50. The thorough-bred stallion " Young Chieftain " has been lent to the
Wankáner State, who pay all expenses in connection with him and sell the pro-
duce to Government. The following Arabs have been sold for stud purposes :—

" Lord Napier

"—to His Highness the Ráo of Cutch.

" St. Kildare "

—to His Highness the Mir of Khairpur.

" Twilight "


51.     As there are no Local Board donkey stallions in this Presidency the
information required by clauses (1), (2) and (3) under this head cannot be given.
One donkey stallion has been purchased for Khán Bahádur Gullám Rasulkhán
Jatoi and one for His Highness the Mir of Khairpur.


                              (1).—Information collected.

52.     The attached sketch map shows the various districts where cattle-
diseases were prevalent during the year under report.

1 Khándesh, 2 Dharwár, 3 Surat,
4 Panch Maháls, 5 Karáchi, 6 Hy-
derabad, 7 Upper Sind Frontier, 8
Thar and Párkar.

53. No reports were received from the mar-
ginally noted districts, and they are shown on the
map as " non-existent," although there is every
reason to believe that these large tracts of country
could not have been free throughout the year, and
dispensary reports bear evidence to this fact.

The total number of animals attacked with contagious and infectious dis-
eases during the year under report amounted to 18,635, of which 9,998 died.

                                (2).—Outbreaks during the year.

54. A reference to Table XXIII will show that—

Rinderpest was the most prevailing disease throughout the Presidency,
the total number of attacks and deaths being 17,018 and 9,202 respectively. The
maximum death rate was in Ahmedabad (92.64 per cent.), the minimum in
Ratnágiri (35.55 per cent.). The outbreak was particularly severe in the Mán-
gaon Táluka of the Kolába District, where 986 animals died out of 1,256

Anthrax—occurred in Ahmednagar, Poona and Sholápur in the Deecan
and Shikárpur in Sind. The total number of animals attacked and died was
799 and 492 respectively. The percentage of death rate was highest in Shikár-
pur (100) and lowest in Sholápur (48.88).

Foot and mouth disease —Broke out in Násik, Poona, Kolába, Kaira,
Broach and Shikárpur, but generally to a very slight extent, 31 animals only
dying out of 287 attacked. In Kolába 27 cases are reported to have died out
of 57 attacked, but it is doubtful if the disease was correctly diagnosed.

Pleuro-pneumonia—Reported only from Belgaum. 43 animals were at-
tacked with 25 deaths.

Charbon Symptomatique.—A few cases are reported from Poona and
Belgaum, but the disease was chiefly confined to Sholápur. Out of 240 animals
attacked, 128 died, the percentage of death rate being 53.33.

Other Diseases—Includes 12 cases of glanders in Bombay and 1 at Shikár-
pur. Surra as well as diseases, not named by District Officers in their reports
or could not be ascertained from the symptoms given, are included in the
above heading.

Summary.—Although there is a considerable increase over last year in the
number reported, I feel sure that the reports received by me do not in any way
represent the large mortality that takes place annually. Even the figures
quoted by me represent a loss of 10,000 head of stock during the year, which
must be looked upon as a great and serious matter when it is taken into consi-
deration that the year throughout has been more or less favourable, and that
these animals have died from disease and not famine.
B 449—4