There were 16 veterinary dispensaries open at the end of the year under
report—12 stationary and 4 itinerant—the same number as last year. The
itinerating veterinary dispensary in the Shikárpur District was closed, and that
in the Belgaum District, which was temporarily closed last year, was re-opened.
The total number of animals treated during the year amounted to 19,614 against
16,999 last year. Out of the above number 15,330 or 78.16 per cent. were
cured, 1,204 or 6.13 per cent. relieved, 570 or 2.91 per cent. died, 200 or
1.02 per cent. incurable, the result of 2,014 or 10.27 per cent. was not known, and
the remainder 296 or 1.50 per cent. were under treatment at the end of the year,
The percentage of cured and relieved has slightly increased from 82.93 to 84.29.
but that of unknown results is nearly the same as last year, and mostly due to the
cause given in last year's report, viz., that owners remove their animals before
they are either cured or relieved, and the result has to be entered under the head
"unknown." 41 cases of castration are reported by the Veterinary Graduates
against 32 last year.

                            VI.—TOURS OF THE SUPRINTENDENT.

83. The Remount Agent and myself visited the following studs in Káthiá-
wár during the year:—Bhávnagar, Wánkáner, Pálitána, Morvi and Cutch, and
obtained 11 head of stock. Horse-breeding is making rapid progress in this
province and the formation of two new studs during the year is satisfactory. The
greatest praise is due to Mr. Ganputrav N. Laud, C.I.E., for the rapid strides
made by the Wánkáner paddock, the careful management throughout and the
excellent results obtained. I was compelled to abandon my tour in Sind, as the
whole of my establishment was placed in quarantine for 15 days at Karáchi, at
the expiration of which it was necessary for me to proceed at once to the various
horse shows. Arrangements will be made for detailed tours, both in Upper and
Lower Sind, this season.

                                        GENERAL REMARKS.





84.    It is a matter of regret that no improvement has taken place in the
punctuality observed by District Officers in forwarding the annual stud returns,
although the matter was brought to the notice of Government last year and
District Officers were requested to submit their returns by the 20th of April.
Returns from the marginally noted districts were
especially late and were received between 25th May and
9th June; besides, there were good many discrepancies
and sufficient time has not been allowed for me to get them put right. Under
Government orders contained in their Resolution No. 3877, dated 22nd May 1897,
in the Revenue Department, I am directed to submit my annual report by the
1st of June, i. e.. one month earlier than formerly, and it will be very necessary
for District Officers to forward their stud returns by the 15th April, if this
report is to be submitted punctually by the 1st June in each year,

85.    The new stallion stables at Ahmednagar were occupied early in July,
and I am pleased to be able to report that the change has been most beneficial
to the horses. They rapidly improved in condition, and not a single case of
sickness or ill health of any sort has occurred amongst them during the year.
The land within the enclosure has been prepared for cultivation, and I trust,
when in full working order, to be able to show a considerable saving over former
years in the feed and keep of the depôt stallions. The hay supplied to these
horses was obtained for the first time from the Shendi kuran, harvested and
stacked by the Department, and resulted in a great saving and better fodder
The system, however, is capable of improvement, and I trust this year to be
able to complete a more satisfactory arrangement for the supply of hay.

                                            J. W. A. MORGAN, Vety.-Captain,
                                        Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department,
                                                                                    Bombay Presidency.

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