(a)    Anthrax.—This disease was prevalent in the Hyderabad District only.
38 animals were attacked and the whole of them died.

(b)     Foot and mouth disease—Prevailed in the two districts of the Province,
i.e., Hyderabad and Karáchi. The total number of attacks were 286 against
115, and deaths 6 against 2, showing a percentage of 2.09 against 1.74 last

(c)    Other diseases.—The total number of animals attacked this year was
3,590 against 3,551 and deaths 56 against 213, showing a percentage of 1.56
against 5.99.


1. The cattle of the districts from which cattle-disease reports were received
during the year, were treated by the Veterinary Graduates.

          (4).Cattle-breeding, including Cattle Fairs and Shows.

1. Cattle-breeding.—There is only one bull kept by the Hyderabad Local
Board, but I have not received any information as to results. This bull was
kept stabled, but I recommended he should be turned loose with a herd.

(a) Cattle Fairs and Shows.—No cattle show or fair was held during the

                              (5).— Veterinary Institutions.

                                 Veterinary Dispensaries.

(a) Hyderabad.

Results of treatment.

Cured ... ...


Relieved ... ...


Died ... ... ...


Incurable ... ...


Unknown ... ...


Remaining ... ...


Total ...


"The Steele Veterinary Dispensary : " Veterinary Graduate Asudumal.—
Inspected by me on the 24th January 1900 and found
in a satisfactory condition. The total number of cases
during the year amounted to 1,014 as against 1,111 last year, the decrease being
attributed to the prevalence of plague by the
Veterinary Graduate. In-patients 131, out-patients
883. Eight cases of castration are reported as against
15 last year. The Veterinary Graduate did not attend
the Moro Horse Show held during the year; this I
think a pity, as such visits into the district afford him
opportunities of becoming personally acquainted with
zamindárs and owners of stock. During the year under
report the new buildings of the dispensary have been
finished and occupied, but, as I pointed out last year,
the accommodation provided is out of all proportion
to its cost. At a meeting of the District Local Board held on the 28th October
last, it was decided to levy a fee of 4 annas per day on all in-patients; this, the
Veterinary Graduate considers, was too high, and reports as having considerably
reduced the number of in-patients. This fee appears to me to be a high one,
and it is hoped that the Committee will see its way to reducing it. The ques-
tion of utilizing the services of the Veterinary Graduate, in connection with
lectures to the students of the agricultural class, was, as proposed by me last
year, reconsidered, with the result that the authorities have availed themselves
of his services for this purpose. The financial condition of the institution
appears very satisfactory, and is shown as below.




Receipts ... ... ...




Expenditure ... ... ...




Balance ...




The report is very satisfactory and testifies to the good work done by the
Veterinary Graduate in charge.