Annual Administration Report of the
Civil Veterinary Department in the
Bombay Presidency and the Annual
Report on the working of the Glanders
and Farcy Act in Bombay for the
year 1899-1900.

                                              No. 6734.

                                                                                     REVENUE DEPARTDMENT.
                          Bombay Castle, 26th October 1900.

Letter* from the Principal, Bombay Veterinary College, No. 169-L., dated 16th April
1900 —Submitting the Annual Report on the working of the Glanders and Farcy Act
in Bombay for the year 1899-1900.

Letter† from the Survey Commissioner and Director of Land Records and Agriculture,
No. A.—3046, dated 15th August 1900—Submitting the Annual Administration Report*
of the Civil Veterinary Department in the Bombay Presidency for the year 1899-1900.

RESOLUTION.—The report of the Civil Veterinary Department of the
Bombay Presidency for the year 1899-1900 has, as usual, been reviewed in
detail by the Survey Commissioner and Director of Land Records and
Agriculture, whose remarks meet generally with the approval of Government.
In view of the difficulties experienced in every branch of the working of the
Department through the severity of the famine, the results set forth in the
report must be considered to be much more satisfactory than might have been

2.     The number of horse and pony stallions was increased by one, though
the average employed was slightly less owing to the necessity of acclimatizing
fresh importations. The Norfolk Trotters are being got rid of as circumstances
permit, and are being replaced by animals considered to be better suited to the
mares of the country. The number of mares covered by Government stallions
fell from 1,466 to 1,162, a result directly caused by the famine and the consequent
difficulties of the breeders. The percentage of produce from mares covered in
the previous year showed some falling off from the results recorded in 1898-1899,
but the produce per stallion has improved, and the figures are, considering the
abnormal year, satisfactory. Government note with interest Veterinary Major
Morgan's remarks regarding the excellence of the foals got by Arabs at the
Ahmednagar Depôt, and the necessity for popularising Arab and English sires
in place of the Kathi stallion in Káthiáwár.

3.     The branding of mares could not be carried on actively in a year of
famine and the number on the register has decreased. Government trust that
District Officers will actively assist in the efforts made by Veterinary Major
Morgan to secure more accurate registration. It is noted with regret that the
castration of colts makes little progress.

4.     The number of remounts increased from .152 to 242, only 50 of which
however were bought within the Presidency proper. The percentage of 50
known to be the produce of Government sires is much the best yet attained.

5.     The total expenditure of the department was less than in the preceding
year, but the cost of the keep of the stallions was necessarily greater, though
the depôt arrangement for obtaining grass in Ahemdnager saved a considerable
sum in that district.

* Surat, Kolába, Bijápur, Sholápur.

6. Cattle disease was prevalent throughtout the Presidency, and it is very
doubtful whether the four* districts reported
free were really so. The Collectors of these
districts should see that the reports are carefully compiled. The high mortality
which accompanied the outbreaks of rinderpest, causing 1,338 out of the 1,934
deaths during the year attributed to epizootic disease, was probably, as
observed by the Superintendent, often due to the emaciation caused by famine,
and in part to deaths from starvation or improper feeding being ascribed to that
disease. Government have read with great interest the conclusions drawn by
Veterinary Major Morgan from the small spread of the disease in the Ahmed-
abad camps. The report of the experiments referred to in paragraphs 43 and 44
of his report will be awaited. The question of the necessity for providing a
Veterinary Assistant in the Thána District is under consideration.

                              * Printed as accompaniments to this Resolution,
                               † Not printed.

Rev 1662—1