remainder small animals. With the exception of a slight outbreak of foot-and-
mouth disease, no epidemic was reported in the district. The Veterinary Gra-
duate paid 23 visits to owners' houses and inspected the Government stallion
at Chálisgaon. The work done is satisfactory.


32. Resident Veterinary Graduate Judah Hyam and the Assistant in
charge D. D. Sanga.—The resident Veterinary Gradu-
ate Judah Hyam was deputed on famine work on
the 1st December 1899 and rejoined his post in August 1900, the work mean-
while being carried on by D. D. Sanga. Inspected on the 19th October and
found to be in good order. The total number of cases treated amounted to
860 against 765 last year. This is satisfactory, as all attempts in former years
have failed to make this institution as popular amongst the agricultural classes
as the authorities would wish. However, I trust that the steps taken lately will
further increase its popularity. Out of the above number 279 were horses,
84 cattle, 30 buffaloes and the remainder small animals. The Veterinary
Graduate paid several visits to private stables and the Government Farm at
Kirkee and taught practical work to the agricultural students at the College of
Science. No outbreak of epidemic disease is reported in the district. The
work done is satisfactory and shows improvement on former years.


33. Veterinary Graduate D. S. Modak.—Inspected on the 23rd October
and found in good order. The total number of cases
treated during the year amounted to 1,664 against
1,565 last year. Out of the above number 212 were horses, 675 cattle, 169
buffaloes and the remainder small animals. The Veterinary Graduate was
successful in his treatment of an outbreak of anthrax in the town. He paid
160 visits to owners' houses, attended the Chinchli Cattle Fair, the Police horses
and Municipal cattle. His work throughout the year is most satisfactory.

Belgaum Itinerant.

34. Veterinary Graduate D. B. Mamtora.—The Veterinary Graduate visit-
ed the various tálukas of the district and established his
head-quarters at Nipáni during the rains. The total
number of cases treated amounted to 1,028 against 1,033 last year. Out of the
above number 82 were horses, 623 cattle, 238 buffaloes and the remainder small
animals. Only one epidemic of anthrax occurred during the year and was
successfully treated. During the rainy season anthrax appears regularly in
certain tálukas of this district, and I think it would be advisable if the author-
ities established very strict measures for the disposal of the carcasses. This
system would no doubt considerably reduce the mortality and may in time
completely eradicate the disease. The Veterinary Graduate attended all weekly
cattle markets and his work is very satisfactory.


35. Veterinary Graduate R. N. Sane.—inspected on the 23rd October
and found in good order. The total number of cases
treated during the year was 1,661 against 1,260 last
year. Out of the above number 127 were horses, 1,110 cattle and the
remainder small animals. The Veterinary Graduate attended an outbreak of foot-
and-mouth disease, and only one case of rinderpest is reported. He paid 50
visits to owners' houses and the work done is satisfactory.


36. Veterinary Inspector V. R. Pitke.—The total number of cases treated
during the year amounted to 1,856 against 1,555 last
year—a satisfactory increase. The Veterinary In-
spector attended an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease. The forge attached to
the institution was fairly successful, and will no doubt pay expenses when it
becomes more thoroughly known. The report is satisfactory.


37. Veterinary Graduate Mudliar.—The total number of cases treated
during the year was 742 against 587 last year. Out
of the above number 41 were horses, 473 cattle, 158
buffaloes and the remainder small animals. The Veterinary Graduate attended
mild outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease and anthrax. The report is satis-


38. Veterinary Graduate J. K. Bhatt.—Inspected on the 27th February
1901 and found to be in excellent order. The total
number of cases treated during the year amounted