The bull was kept stabled, which is, I think, a mistake. I recommended he
should run with a herd.

11.    He covered 16 cows during the year.

12.    Results of the coverings of the previous year are not reported.

13.    The total cost of his feed and keep during the year was Rs. 223-3-0.

14.    Cattle Fairs and Shows.—No recognised Cattle Fair or Show was held
during the year. There are, however, a number of places where the people of
the various districts meet for the purpose of buying and selling cattle.

                        V.—VETERINARY INSTITUTIONS.

15.    (a) Naushahro.—Ahmed Jan Ansari, Itinerating Veterinary Graduate.
The number of cases treated during the year was 525 against 331 last year.












Cured 372, relieved 42, died 19, incurable 3, results unknown 5, remaining under
treatment 84 ; total 525.

In addition to the above 525 animals treated at the Dispensary, 99 animals
were treated by the Veterinary Graduate in the villages.

16.     Castrations.—Twenty-three colts were castrated by the Veterinary Gra-
duate, during 1902-1903 against 30 the preceding year.

17.    Financial State.—The financial state of the Institution is as follows :—

Rs. a. p.

Receipts …




1,919 7 3

Expenditure ...




1,808 11 0

      Veterinary Graduate Ansari has done good work during the year.

18. (b) Shikárpur.—L. R. Vedh, Veterinary Graduate, inspected by me
on the 22nd February 1903.

Total number of cases treated during the year were 1,133 against 1,077
last year :—












Results of treatment :—

Cured 1,010, relieved 34, died 8, incurable 3, results not known 39, remaining 39 ;
total 1,133.

19.     Castrations.—Two colts were castrated against 3 last year.

20.    The financial state of the Institution is as follows :—

Rs. a. p.





3,750 4 0






3,853 13 10

21.    At my inspection of this Dispensary I noticed an expensive case of
Lithotomy instruments costing nearly Rs. 400 had been purchased on the recom-
mendation of the Veterinary Graduate. These instruments have never been and
are never likely to be used at Shikárpur, and I would recommend that the
opinion of the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, be asked before
such unnecessary expenditure be sanctioned.

Although ample accommodation, the Veterinary Graduate in charge does
not live at the Dispensary. I am of opinion that his living there would be a
benefit to the Institution.

Veterinary Graduate Vedh has done good work during the year.

22.    (c) Karáchi.—S. G. Haji, Veterinary Graduate.

Total number of cases during the year was 3,793, against 3,259 last year :—










