Results of treatment :—

Cured 3,698, relieved 44, died 37, incurable nil, results unknown nil, remaining 14 ;
total 3,793.

In addition to these, 160 animals were treated in the villages.

23. Castrations :—





... 7






... 3






... 1

against 3 colts last year.

24. The financial state of the Institution is as follows :—

Rs. a. p.






6 153 2 0





5,589 0 5

Veterinary Graduate Haji has again done excellent work during the year.
This Institution is of the greatest value to Karáchi.

25. (d) Hyderabad.—Assudomal, Veterinary Graduate, inspected by
me on 23rd February 1903.

Total number of animals treated during the year 1,072 against 1,042 last
year :—












Results of treatment :—

Cured 962, relieved 50, died 10, incurable nil, results unknown 37, remaining under
treatment 13 ; total 1,072.

In addition to above, 24 animals were treated in the villages.

26.     Castrations.—Sixteen colts were castrated by the Veterinary Graduate
during the year under report, against 14 the preceding year.

27.    The financial state of the Institution is as follows :—

Rs. a. p.





4,268 13 11





3,902 2 6

Veterinary Graduate Assudomal has done much to attain the high state of
efficiency that this Institution now possesses. He has done very good work
during the year, and the Dispensary is increasing its sphere of usefulness.

                                          General remarks.

28. All the existing Veterinary Dispensaries in Sind are doing good work
and I hope others may shortly be established. Jacobabad, Sukkur and Larkána
appear to me to be in need of such institutions.

(2)  I am of opinion that direct communication between the Superin-
tendent, Civil Veterinary Department, and all Veterinary Graduates in
charge of Dispensaries, should be at once established ; the channel of
communication through District Officers causes unnecessary work and
most undesirable delays.

(3)   I am also of opinion that every Veterinary Dispensary should have
an Imperial Veterinary Assistant attached to it, in addition to the Veteri-
nary Graduate in charge. This arrangement would always provide a man
for work in the district ; the usefulness of the Veterinary Dispensaries is at
present largely curtailed owing to the fact that the Veterinary Graduate in
charge cannot leave his head-quarters.

                                                            H. M. MAXWELL, Vety.-Major,

                                                   Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department,

                                                                  Baluchistan and Sind.

B 506—2