No. 122-L. OF 1903.


                THE PRINCIPAL,

                       Bombay Veterinary College ;



                                     Revenue Department.

                                                    Bombay Veterinary College,
                                                                    16th May 1903.


I have the honour to submit the annual report of the Glanders and Farcy
Department in Bombay for the official year 1902-1903, for a major portion of
which Veterinary-Major J. Brodie-Mills held the office of Principal.

2.    During the year, 15 horses were admitted to the Lazaretto as against
20 and 20 horses in 1901-1902 and 1900-1901, respectively. Out of this number,
2 were destroyed as glandered and 13 were suspicious. Of the suspicious cases,
6 reacted to the mallein test and were destroyed, thus bringing up the total
number of glandered cases to 8 as against 6 and 3 in 1901-1902 and 1900-1901,
respectively. Of the 7 remaining horses, 5 were found to be suffering from
Lymphangitis Epizootica (of which 4 died and 1 was destroyed in accordance
with the Act) and 2 were returned to their owners as they did not react to the
mallein test.

Of the admissions, 4 horses belonged to Arab dealers, 9 to owners of
carriages plying for hire, 1 to a private individual and 1 was ownerless.

Of the 8 horses that were destroyed for Glanders, 4 belonged to Arab
dealers and 4 to owners of carriages plying for hire.

Of the 5 horses that died from Lymphangitis Epizootica, 4 belonged to
owners of carriages plying for hire and 1 to a private individual.

The 15 horses admitted to the Lazaretto were all Arabs.

3.    During the year under report, 5,482 horses, donkeys and mules were
imported (vide Appendix No. 1) as against 5,055 and 4,825 in 1901-1902 and
1900-1901, respectively.

The Australian imports were 1,476 horses and 142 ponies as against 1,393
horses and 298 ponies and 1,738 horses and 119 ponies in 1901-1902 and
1900-1901, respectively.

The Arab imports stood at 1,808 horses and 786 ponies as against 1,802
horses and 927 ponies and 1,561 horses and 862 ponies in 1901-1902 and
1900-1901, respectively.

The Persian imports were 333 horses and 24 ponies as against 206 horses
and 11 ponies and 144 horses and 10 ponies in 1901-1902 and 1900-1901,

The Austro-Hungarian imports were 70 horses as against 31 horses and
4 ponies and 98 horses and 1 pony in 1901-1902 and 1900-1901, respectively.

This year 627 mules were imported as against 267 and 176 in 1901-1902
and 1900-1901, respectively. Out of the 627 mules, 500 came from America,
126 from the Persian Gulf, and 1 from Australia.

The percentage of casualties en route was as follows :—Australians 271,
Arabs 1.11. No cases of Glanders or Lymphangitis Epizootica were detected on
ships arriving in the harbour.
B 309