AGRICULTURE, BOMBAY.

                                        No. A/5284 OF 1904

                                                            Poona, 24th August 1904,

Submitted to Government.

2.    The chief event of the year has been the transfer to the Army Re-
mount Department of the best horse-breeding districts, Poona and Ahmednagar,
together with three-fourths of the stallions belonging to the Department. Since
the Army Remount Department made their selection of the whole stock, the
12 stallions not taken over were naturally the least satisfactory. Of these five
died or were destroyed. Seven stallions have been added to the strength, but
since there are 17 stands in all in the non-selected districts in which stallions
should be located, a further addition of 4 stallions was required at the end of the
year. Sufficient provision exists in the budget for these purchases, and the
Superintendent has been requested to take the necessary measures.

3.    Since the full complement of stallions is 50 mares per annum and the
average number covered was only 25, half the stallion power failed to be utilized.

4.    The abolition of the system of branding of mares, which has been
sanctioned since the close of the year, will, it is hoped, lead to the full employ-
ment of every stallion.

5.    The Ahmedabad Horse Show, which was revived after a lapse of 11 years
under somewhat unfavourable conditions, nevertheless demonstrated that good
stock still survived in the district in spite of the recent famines. Those breeders
who have successfully struggled against the calamities of recent times deserve
liberal encouragement and assistance and it is hoped that the Show will not
again be discontinued.

6.    The cost of the maintenance of stallions has been high, and the Super-
intendent is being requested to examine the causes and to effect a reduction if
possible in the expenditure.

7.    As a result of the transfer of horse-breeding operations the Super-
intendent has paid great attention to the questions of cattle-breeding and cattle
disease and has collected much useful information.

8.    Proposals for the establishment of a bull-rearing dep6t at Sholápur and
for assistance from Government to the cattle-breeding farm at Chliarodi, in the
Ahmedabad District, are before Government. It is proposed to distribute from
the former bulls of the Malvi and Khillari breeds to districts in the Deccan, and
from the latter the Kankrej breed to villages in Gujarát.

9.    Veterinary Dispensaries continued to do excellent work. A new dis-
pensary was opened in the year, at Lárkhána in Sind.

10.    Negotiations have been carried on with several District Local Boards
for the establishment of new dispensaries, and it is hoped that several districts
which are at present unprovided with dispensaries will soon find their way out
of the financial difficulties which have so far proved an insurmountable

11.    It is observed that it was found necessary to close several dispensaries
during the absence on leave of Veterinary Graduates and that the graduates in
charge of stationary dispensaries attended cases in a very small number of

12.    The Director has brought to the notice of District Local Boards the
desirability of the employment of the cheaper veterinary agency which has
recently been provided by the establishment of classes of Salutris at the Bombay

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