Financial Statement of the Glanders and Farcy Department, Bombay,
                                                        for the year 1903-1904.

Budget Sanction.


Actual Expenditure.






Rs. a. p.

Rs. a. p.

Rs. a. p.

Rs. a. p.



Inspecting Staff ...

5,640 0 0

5,760 0 0

Inspecting Staff ...

5,797 14 6

5,951 1 3

Establishment ... ...

420 0 0

420 0 0

Establishment ... ...

420 0 0

420 0 0

Conveyance allowance to
Officers ...

840 0 0

840 0 0

Conveyance allowance to

736 0 0

733 6 8

Conveyance allowance to
Inspecting Staff ...

1,260 0 0

1,260 0 0

Conveyance allowance to
Inspecting Staff ... ...

1,260 0 0

1,272 12 7

Fees payable to Veterinary
Practitioners ...

500 0 0

Cost of mallein ... ...

4 5 6

58 8 0

Grant for mallein, &c. ...

200 0 0

200 0 0

Burning carcasses ...

216 0 0

360 0 0

Do. burning carcasses.

1,000 0 0

1,000 0 0

Telephone charges ...

175 0 0

175 0 0

Telephone charges ...

175 0 0

175 0 0

Contingent charges ...

352 2 9

214 3 8

Contingent charges ...

290 0 0

290 0 0

Repairs at the Lazaretto ...

187 15 8

194 0 4

Buildings and repairs ...

190 0 0

190 0 0

Rates and taxes ... ...

24 15 9

24 15 9

Rates and taxes ...

23 0 0

23 0 0

Uniforms to Inspectors ...

90 0 0

90 0 0

Uniforms to Inspectors ...

90 0 0

90 0 0

Total ...

10,628 0 0

10,248 0 0

Total ...

9,264 6 2

9,494 0 3

Parel, Bombay, 25th May 1904.

                                                                                        J. BRODIE-MILLS, Lieut.-Colonel, I. C. V. D.,
                                                                                                Principal, Bombay Veterinary College.