in this Presidency, and consequently there was scarcely any spontaneous compe-
tition for prizes. On the contrary people regarded the proceedings with
suspicion, trying to find out the purpose of Government. Those, however, who
got prizes appeared very well pleased, and it is hoped there will be some
competition next year.

                        IV.—SUBORDINATE ESTABLISHMENT.

18. Table VII shows that there were 28 members of the subordinate
establishment during the year. Out of this number 6 belong to the Bombay
Veterinary College, 1 to the College of Science, Poona, to lecture to the
agricultural students in Veterinary Science, 1 is working as Special Assistant to
the Superintendent, C. V. D., 16 Veterinary Graduates and two Veterinary
Assistants are in independent charge of dispensaries and 2 Salutries are attached
to the dispensaries at Thána and Surat, but they go on tours. The report of
each dispensary has been summarised in detail below :—


19. Veterinary Graduate D. S. Purohit. Inspected on the 13th August
1904. The total number of cases treated was 2,438
as against 2,709 last year, a decrease of 271 which is
explained as being due partly to the prevalence of bubonic plague at Dhulia and
partly to foot and mouth disease having been less prevalent. Of the total
number treated 606 were horses, 1,276 cattle and 556 other animals including
dogs, sheep and goats, etc. The Veterinary Graduate performed 14 castrations,
of which. 10 were horses and 4 bulls. He visited the weekly cattle market and
the Government stallion, the Pinjrápole, animals belonging to the Municipality,
and horses of the mounted police, and paid 85 visits to owners' houses. The
Veterinary Graduate's work has been satisfactory.


20. Veterinary Graduate N. B. Soman. Inspected on the 14th August
1904 and again on 16th November 1904. The dis-
pensary has been removed from the Pinjrápole to a
new building erected for the purpose. The total number of cases treated was
1,548 as against 1,203 last year. Out of this 180 were horses, 1,221 cattle, 147
other animals. Besides the above number 150 cases of Foot and mouth disease
were treated in the district. The Veterinary Graduate castrated 5 ponies and
performed several minor operations. He paid 4 visits to the Government stallion
at Chálisgaon. His work on the whole has been satisfactory; for a time he was


21. In charge of Veterinary Graduate D. G. Kulkarni till 28th September
1904, when Mr. Gadgil a Salutri was appointed and
Mr. Kulkarni was transferred to Nandurbár where a
new dispensary has been opened as an experimental measure. Inspected on 15th
August 1904 and again on 7th March 1905. The total number of cases treated
was 1,042 as against 6S9 last year. Out of this number 283 were horses or
ponies, 474 bullocks, 72 cows, 65 calves, 61 buffaloes, 59 dogs and 28 sheep
and goats and others. The Salutri visited the weekly catle markets, treated the
horses belonging to the Opium and the Police Departments, and paid some 10
visits to owners' houses to treat their animals.


22. A new dispensary experimentally opened on the 1st October 1904.
In charge of veterinary Graduate D. G. Kulkarni.
Inspected on the 5th March 1905. The total number
of cases treated during the six months was 436, of which 115 were horses
or ponies, 196 bullocks, 25 cows, 3 calves, 53 buffaloes, 28 goats, 13 dogs,
2 deer and 1 ass. The time when the dispensary was started was rather
unfavourable, the whole town having been evacuated on account of plague. The
above number, however, is encouraging, and there appears every chance of the
institution being made permanent. The Veterinary Graduate attended an out-
break of Foot and mouth disease in the Yával Táluka and of sheep-pox in the
Taloda Táluka, visited the weekly cattle markets and animals at their owners'
stables. He attended as an expert witness in a criminal case of malicious torture
of a buffalo. His work has been satisfactory.


23. Veterinary Graduate R. Reuben. Inspected on the 12th August
1904. The total number of cases treated during the
year was 1,714 as against 1,747 last year. Out of this
number 424 were horses, 831 cattle, 239 buffaloes, 80 sheep and goats, 104 dogs
and 36 other animals. The Veterinary Graduate castrated one colt, performed
96 minor operations and paid 48 visits to owners' houses.