Table XIV it will be seen that a sum of Rs. 663-5-4 was awarded in prizes from
Imperial Funds.

                                     VI.—GENERAL REMARKS.

39.    The report has been prepared in accordance with the revised rules
as stated in the forwarding letter, but a few remarks as to the suitability or
otherwise of the prescribed forms will not be out of place here.

40.    The revised Table IV is evidently intended only for the Itinerating
Veterinary Assistants and any castrations performed by them can be entered in
this table; but there is no room to show the number of animals castrated by
Veterinary Assistants at dispensaries. Formerly there was a separate table (XI)
for this purpose which has now been omitted.

41.    The revised Table XI is apparently equivalent to old Table V and from
the heading "Services and Produce, &c.," it appears that the results of previous
years' coverings are to be given in this table. But there are no columns in the
prescribed form to allow the information to be entered therein. If the result of
coverings is not given the success or otherwise of the operations cannot be
properly judged.

                                                        K. HEWLETT, I. C. V. D.,

                                     Acting Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department,

                                                                                      Bombay Presidency.