year, an increase of 272. Of the total number of cases 493 were equines,
2,556 bovines, 217 others. Veterinary Graduate Reuben visited 11 villages
affected with rinderpest and inoculated 322 cattle against the disease. He
attended the horses of the Mounted Police and the Pinjrapole animals and
inspected the stallion at Násik frequently. The dispensary has increased in
popularity and Mr. Reuben has done good work during the year. The cattle
population within five miles from the dispensary is 14,189 and the number
of cattle treated is 2,556, giving a percentage of 18.01. Fees are levied at
this dispensary.

22.    Násik Itinerating Dispensary.—Veterinary Graduate H. R. Kshir-
sagar held charge during the year. The Superintendent visited Manmád on 12th
August 1906 with the object of inspecting the dispensary, but the Veterinary
Graduate did not appear as directed. The late Mr. Broad subsequently in-
spected the dispensary at Nándgaon on the 28th August 1906. The Veterinary
Graduate treated 1,483 cases during the year as compared with 2,341 last year.
This shows a decrease of 828, which is very unsatisfactory considering the
ravages disease has made this year in the district. Of the total number treated
63 were equines, 1,403 were bovines and 17 others. The Veterinary Graduate
performed 1,213 inoculations against rinderpest during the year. Mr. Kshir-
sagar's work during the last two years has been unsatisfactory, and the Superin-
tendent considers that unless some marked improvement is shown during the
next year his dismissal will have to be considered.

23.    Ahmednagar Dispensary.—This is a new dispensary and was opened
on 1st September, but was not ready for the treatment of patients until
November 1st. The dispensary was in charge of Veterinary Graduate Lopez.
There were in all 358 cases treated of which 55 were equines, 199 bovines and
104 others. Besides the ordinary dispensary work Mr. Lopez attended three
cattle bazars in the district every week and inspected the meat markets in Ahmed-
nagar. He attended outbreaks of rinderpest and inoculated 1,071 cattle against
the disease. He also assisted in purchasing cattle for the Municipality and
assisted at the Ahmednagar Cattle Show. Veterinary Graduate Lopez has been
entrusted with the difficult task of starting a new Veterinary Dispensary and the
Superintendent considers that on the whole he has done good and useful work,
at the same time it must be admitted that 358 cases treated in five months is
not a very large number for a place like Ahmednagar. The cattle population
within a radius of five miles is 5,042 and the number of: cattle treated 199,
which gives a percentage of 3.94.

24.    Ahmednagar Itinerating Dispensary.—This is a new dispensary and
was opened with head-quarters at Miri on 5th September 1906. Veterinary
Graduate Washikar held charge of the dispensary till the end of the year, except
from the 23th September to 28th October, when he was compelled to take leave
without pay on account of illness. Mr. Washikar had previously served in the
district from 13th April as a temporary Veterinary Graduate to combat
rinderpest. He visited twice a month the cattle bazárs at Pachegaon, Ghode-
gaon, Kukane and Pathardi for the purpose of inspecting cattle, lecturing to
the people and treating cases. During the period the dispensary was open
224 cases were treated, of which 38 were equines, 181 bovines and 5 others.
These numbers are small, but Mr. Washikar in addition to his dispensary work
performed 7,446 inoculations against rinderpest. He also attended the Mhasvad
Cattle Pair in the Sátára District and assisted at the Ahmednagar Cattle Show,
and while on tour collected information about cattle breeding. Mr. Washikar
has done good work under very trying circumstances and has placed the new
Itinerating Dispensary on a satisfactory footing.

25.    Poona District Dispensary.—Honorary Veterinary Graduate Sanga
held charge of this dispensary and Veterinary Graduate Sethna acted as
Resident Veterinary Assistant. The dispensary was inspected on 13th July 1906
and visited on several occasions. During the year under report 1,201 cases
were treated, of which 351 were in-patients and 850 out-patients, as compared
with 1,128 cases last year, of which 356 were in-patients and 772 out-patients.
This shows an increase of 73 over last year. Of the total number of cases

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