5.    The main feature of the year was the extensive prevalence of rinder-
pest, which was especially severe in Thána and Ahmednagar. The Governor in
Council views with decided satisfaction the progress made in inoculation. There
can bo no doubt that the prejudices against it are far from invincible. Much
credit is due to the staff employed and to the Superintendent for the degree of
success attained. It is true, as stated by Mr. Hewleit, that this depends principally
on the energy and tact of the inoculating officers. But a great deal also depends
on the assistance and countenance given by District officers from the Collector
down to the Mámlatdár, and mention should be made in every report of the
co-operation afforded by these officers.

6.    The figures given by Mr. Mead of increased number of treatments at
Veterinary Dispensaries and outside them are striking and satisfactory. There
can be no doubt that these institutions are progressing in popularity. It is
disappointing however that a largo city like Poona should yield such poor
results compared with, say, Ahmedabad or even a small town like Ratnágiri,
and the Director should consider the advisability of posting one of his best
officers to Poona. Sholápur is another place where good results might be
expected, and a thoroughly efficient man should be posted there Government
regret to observe no better results in the Poona District Dispensary. The
Superintendent remarks that this Dispensary may be satisfactory as an
educational institution, but that better results might reasonably be expected in
numbers treated. This opinion is not decided enough. The Superintendent
should examine carefully into the working of the institution and report fully
on its efficiency and the extent to which improvement is possible.

7.    Sind suffered, as the Commissioner and Superintendent both justly
observe, from lack of supervision, due entirely to the devolution of the duties
to the Presidency Superintendent who has not time for them. The Government
of India have now appointed a separate officer to Sind, Baluchistan and
Rájputana. The result will, it is hoped, be increased progress.

8.    Mr. Hewlett has done a remarkably excellent year's work and has shown
himself one of the best of the several efficient Superintendents who have been
employed in the Presidency.

                                                                    M. K. NARIMAN,

                                                      Acting Under Secretary to Government.

The Commissioner in Sind,

With copies of
the report.

The Commissioner, N. D.,

The Commissioner, C. D.,

The Commissioner, S. D.,

All Collectors, including the Collectors and Deputy
Commissioners in Sind

The Director of Agriculture,

The Director of Public Instruction,

The Sanitary Commissioner for the Government of

The Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department,

The Principal, Bombay Veterinary College,

The Principal, College of Science, Poona,

The Municipal Commissioner for the City of Bombay,

The Private Secretary to His Excellency the Governor,

The Accountant General,

The General Officer Commanding 4th (Quetta) Division,

The General Officer Commanding 5th (Mhow) Division,

The General Officer Commanding 6th (Poona) Division,

The Agent to the Governor, Káthiáwár,

The Political Agent, Cutch,

The Political Agent, Kolhápur and Southern Marátha