Glanders—Farcy.—There were 29 cases reported from Bombay City of
which one died and 28 were destroyed under the Glanders and Farcy Act.

Surra.—There were 81 cases reported from Bombay City and 12 from
Ahmedabad, all of which were destroyed tinder the Act. Besides this 13 horses
were reported to have died from this disease in the Thána District, but as diag-
nosis was not confirmed by microscopical examination they are not included.

Anthrax.—Reported from two districts only, viz., Bijápur and Kolába.
There were 292 attacks and 233 deaths.

Black Quarter occurred in five districts, viz., Násik, Poona, Bijápur, Ratná-
giri and Ahmedabad. There were 1,245 attacks and 866 deaths reported.

Hœmorrhagic Septicæmia.—This disease was chiefly confined to Kaira
District where there were 1,412 cases and 1,235 deaths. A few cases also
occurred in six other districts, viz., Poona, Ratnágiri, Thána, Surat, Panch
Maháls and Ahmedabad. The total number of attacks was 1,695 and deaths

Foot and Mouth Disease occurred in nine districts, and the city of Bombay.
There were 1,115 cases and 72 deaths.

Rinderpest—Reports of this disease have been received from all the
districts of the Presidency, including Bombay City. The reported number of
cases and deaths has been 41,598 and 19,413, respectively, as against 50,144
attacks and 25,416 deaths last year. The severity of the outbreak appears to
have been slightly decreased. The number of deaths did not exceed 2,000 in
any district except Kánara where it was 2,274 out of 4,132 attacks. In 11
districts the mortality ranged between one to two thousand and in the remaining
districts it was below one thousand.

8.    The number of animals inoculated in each district by Veterinary
Graduates, either temporary or permanent, has been given in Table III. It will
be seen from this Table that the total number of animals inoculated during the
year was 26,558 as against 39,992 last year. Of these, 26,459 animals were
inoculated against rinderpest, of which 238 died and 99 against Septicæmia
Hæmorrghagica, of which none died. The percentage of deaths among the
inoculated animals is 0'89 as against 1.67 last year which shows some improve-

                        Investigation and Research.

9.    During the year under report an endeavour has been made to supply
the Laboratory of the Bombay Veterinary College with pathological material
as well as with parasites and other specimens for the College Museum. Some-
thing has been accomplished in this direction and material has been furnished
under the directions of the Superintendent by the following Veterinary Gra-
duates:—Mr. D. G. Kulkarni, Dhulia Veterinary Dispensary; Mr. S. D.
Purohit, Nandurbár Veterinary Dispensary; Mr. N. B. Soman, Jalgaon Vete-
rinary Dispensary; Mr. S. V. Soman, Amalner Veterinary Dispensary; Mr. Y. N.
Marathe, Poona City Veterinary Dispensary; Mr. N. R. Kulkarni, Sholápur
Veterinary Dispensary; Mr. D. S. Modak, Belgaum Veterinary Dispensary;
Mr. W. R. Mudhar, Bijápur Veterinary Dispensary; Mr. S. N. Phatak, Thána
Veterinary Dispensary; Mr. V. R. Pitke, Alibág Veterinary Dispensary; Mr. D.
B. Mamtora, Surat Veterinary Dispensary; Mr. P. D. Maniar, Nadiád Veteri
nary Dispensary; Mr. V. D. Patel, Kaira Itinerant, Mr. M. C. Joshi, Godhra
Veterinary Dispensary; Mr. K. M. Dave, Ahmedabad Veterinary Dispensary;
Mr. J. D. Buxy, Special Assistant to Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Depart-
ment. Much however remains to be done in thisr espect, and the Superintend-
ent considers that when he has a trained staff of Inspectors and Graduates
under his control sufficient material will be forthcoming to occupy fully a
bacteriologist at the College Laboratory.

                                (2).Other diseases.

10. There were 47 cases of other contagious diseases that is diseases not
named or not properly diagnosed. Besides these, the Veterinary Assistants