of the year. No deaths occurred amongst the inoculated animals. In the out-
break of " Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia " reported from Sukkur District, serum not
being available no inoculations were performed. The Veterinary Assistant
visited the scenes of outbreak of Anthrax but the disease had died out before
his visits to the places of occurrence.

                                (2) Other diseases.

6.    There was 1 death amongst Equines and 28 amongst Bovines from
other contagious diseases as against 13 reported last year. Besides these the
Veterinary Assistants treated 2,457 oases while on tour of which 323 were con-
tagious and 2,123 non-contagious and 11 castration cases as compared to 1,956 of
which 489 were contagious and 1,452 non-contagious and 15 castration oases
treated last year. The total number of oases treated by Veterinary Assistants as
in and out-door patients at their dispensrries is 11,846 as compared with 10,927
treated last year. This gives a total number of 14,303 cases treated during the
year as compared to 12,883 treated during the preceding year in the Province.

                    (3) Veterinary Hospitals and Dispensaries.

7.    There were 6 Veterinary Dispensaries open during the year under
report, of these five, viz., Karáchi, Hyderabad, Naushahro, Lárkána, Shikárpur,
the same as last year, have accommodation for in-door patients. There are
proposals in progress to build new dispensary at Lárkána. The question of
building a dispensary at Sukkur is still under contemplation and a new dispen-
sary at Hálla is also under construction.

8.    Karáchi Dispensary.—Veterinary Graduate S. G. Haji held charge of
the dispensary throughout the year except from 6th January to 23rd March 1908
when he was on privilege leave and his son, Mr. 0. S. G. Haji, officiated for him.
The total number of cases treated at this dispensary during the year was 4,696
(73 in-patients and 3,980 out-patients) and on tour 612 making a total of 5,308
as against 5,127—an increase of 151. Of the total treated at the dispensary
1,497 were Equines, 2,216 Bovines and 983 other animals as against 1,391, 1,767
and 1,362 respectively last year. Veterinary Graduate Haji treated the out-
break of Glanders and Farcy which had broken out in Karachi at the close of
last year and that of Rinderpest during the current year. He attended an
outbreak of Fluke disease in the district, visited 5 villages. He was also
assisted by another Veterinary Graduate from the 24th of March to the end of
the year in dealing with the outbreak of rinderpest. He, as usual, treated the
animals of the Vaccination Department, the Karáchi. Police, and the Munici-
pality, and performed 8 castrations as against 7 last year.

Table. VI shows the financial condition of the dispensary. It shows
Rs. 10,104-3-6 under the head "Receipts" and Rs. 8,908-9-10 under that of
" Expenditure " and a balance of Rs. 1,195-9-8 available at the close of the year.

1,432 horses were shol at the shoeing Forge of the dispensary under his
supervision as against 1,386 last year. The forge shows a surplus balance, after
defraying expenses, of Rs. 779-12-2 against Rs. 805-14-6 last year.

A cattle travis was constructed and added to the building during the year
under report at a cost of lis. 325.

The cattle population within a radius of 5 miles of Karáchi is 6,375 and
the cattle treated 2,216 which gives a percentage of 3476 against 12.55 last
year. The increase in percentage of cattle treated is due to the fact that last
year the cattle population within a radius of 5 miles of the dispensary was
reported to be 14,079 while this year it is given to be 6,375 only. The fees are
charged at this dispensary for the treatment of horses belonging to well-to-do
people and all dogs admitted for treatment.

Hyderabad Dispensary.—Veterinary Graduate Asudamal held charge of
the dispensary throughout the year under report. During the year 2,132 cases
were treated at the dispensary as against 2,043 cases, treated last year—an
increase of 89—of the total 692 were Equines, 746 Bovines and 694 (others
against 680, 1,145 and 218 respectively last year. There were 184 in-patients