and 1,948 out-patients as against 212 and 1,831 respectively last year. The
Veterinary Graduate performed 12 castrations as against 9 last year.

He attended the Fair at Talhar and treated the horses belonging to Thar
and Párkar Police.

The cattle population within a radius of 5 miles of Hyderabad is 6,303
and the number of cattle treated is 746 giving a percentage of 11.83 as against
18.16 last year. The decrease in the percentage of cattle treated is due to the
fact that last year the number of camels treated at this dispensary was included
in Bovines while this year it has not been done so.

Vide Table "VI, Rs. 5,887-6-8 are shewn under the head " Receipts " and
Rs. 3,942-8-4 under the head "Expenditure" which gives a balance of
Rs. 1,944-14-4 at the close of the year.

The salutri attached to this dispensary who tours in the district treated
527 cases while on tour and performed no castrations against 394 and 8 respect-
ively last year. Pees are charged at the dispensary.

Naushahro Dispensary.—Itinerating Veterinary Graduate Ahmed J. Ausari
held charge. The total number of cases treated at the dispensary was 1,300 and
while on tour 668, making a total of 1,968 as against a total of 1,617 last year—
an increase of 351. Of the total number treated at the dispensary 54 were in-
patients and 1,246 out-patients as against 32 and 1,241 last year. There were
701 Equines, 261 Bovines and 338 others against 693, 258 and 322 respectively
last year. The Veterinary Graduate performed 6 castrations and the salutri
attached to the Dispensary 2 making a total of 8 as against 9 last year. He
visited 7 villages and attended the Cattle Pair held at Moro.

The financial condition of the dispensary, vide Table VI, is Rs. 4,268-0-2
receipts, Rs. 3,390-5-7 expenditure and the balance available Rs. 877-10-7.

The cattle population within 5 miles of the dispensary is 6,662, the number
of cattle treated 261 thus giving a percentage of 3.91 as against 1.29 last year.
Treatment at this dispensary is free.

Lárkána Dispensary. —Veterinary Graduate N. D. Kapur held charge.
The total number of cases treated at this dispensary was 1,099 as against 843
last year—an increase of 256. Of those 410 were Equines, 603 Bovines and
86 others. The number of in-patients was 87 as against 88 and out-patients
1,012 against 755 last year. The Veterinary Graduate treated 370 cases while
on tour as against 232 treated last year. He visited 11 villages and attended
the Fairs at Jacobabad and Shikárpur.

Vide Table VI, Rs 3,616-4-9 is shown as receipts and Rs. 2,196-1-8 as
expenditure which leaves a balance of Rs. 1,320-3-1. There is a difference of
Rs. 400 in the column " last year's balance " and the balance available shown
at the close of the year 1906-1907 which is explained by the Collector of
Lárkána to be due to the fact that Government grant of Rs. 400 which was
received during the year l906-1907 was inadvertently omitted. No fees are
charged at this dispensary except. to animals which are sent for treatment under
the Cruelty to Animals Act. The Veterinary Graduate performed 9 castrations
as against 5 last year.

The cattle population within a radius of 5 mile3 of this dispensary is
17,855, the number of cattle treated is 603 which gives a percentage of 3.37
against 1.92.

Shikárpur Dispensary.—Veterinary Graduate L. K. Vedh held charge
throughout the year. There were 1,914 cases treated at the dispensary and
280 while on tour, making a total of 2,l94 against a total of 1,999 last year—an
increase of 195. Of the total treated at the dispensary there were 862 Equines,
745 Bovines and 307 others against 797, 663 and 173 respectively treated last
year. There were 140 in-patients and 1,76, out-patients against 102 and
1,031 out-patients. The Veterinary Graduate castrated 5 horses as against
11. castrated last year. He visited 2 villages during the year and attended the
Pair at Shikárpur.