Annual Reports.

Annual Administration Reports of the
    Bombay Veterinary College and the Civil
    Veterinary Department, including the
    Annual Report of the Glanders and Farcy
    Department in Bombay for the year

                                        No. 12085.

                                                                    REVENUE DEPARTMENT.

                                Bombay Castle, 26th November 1908.

Letter from the Principal, Bombay Veterinary College, No. 134-l., dated 4th June 1908—
Submitting the Annual Report of the Glanders and Farcy Department in Bombay for
the year 1907-08.

Letter from the Director of Public Instruction, No. 3806, dated 4th July 1908—Forwarding
the Report on the Bombay Veterinary College for the year 1907-08 together with the
letter No. a.—3764, dated 25th June 1908, from the Director of Agriculture, reviewing
the report.

Letter from the Director of Agriculture, No. a.—4380, dated 24th July 1908:—

" 1 have the honour to submit herewith in print the Annual Administration Report
of the Civil Veterinary Department in Bombay for the year 1907-08 with my review
attached to it.

"2. As usual the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, Bombay
Presidency, has already sent a copy of his Report direct to the Inspector General, Civil
Veterinary Department.

" 3. The Annual Report of the Civil Veterinary Department in Sind has not yet
been received in this office, and it will be submitted to Government separately when

Letter from the Director of Agriculture, No. a.—5778, dated 28th September 1908—Submit-
ting in advance a proof copy of the annual report of the Civil Veterinary Department
in Sind for 1907-08 with his review attached to it.

Letter from the Director of Agriculture, No. a.—6320, dated 20th October 1908—Submitting
a copy of the consolidated report of the Civil Veterinary Department in Bombay for
1907-08, as finally printed, including the Reports of the Civil Veterinary Department in
the Presidency proper and in Sind.

Resolution.—Government concur with the Director of Public Instruction
and the Director of Agriculture that the administration of the College has been
satisfactory. It is observed that in the opinion of the Director of Public
Instruction the present system of scholarships has not worked well. Proposals
for its modification are under consideration. It is of great importance that the
students should be selected from suitable classes, as the Director of Agriculture

2. The recommendation of the Veterinary Conference held at Calcutta
in February last, for the appointment of a Pathologist in each Veterinary
College in India, is under the consideration of the Government of India

3.     On the representation of the Principal, Bombay Veterinary College,
His Excellency the Governor in Council has reconsidered the question of rent
charged to students residing in quarters attached to the Collage and has
reduced it from Rs. 3 to Rs. 2 per mensem per student.

4.     Government have also recently sanctioned a grant of Rs. 5,000 to
equip the library of the College in an adequate manner.

5.    The proposals referred to in paragraph -3 of the review by the Director
of Agriculture should be submitted through the Director of Public Instruction
at an early date. His Excellency the Governor in Council desires that all
reasonable measures should be taken, both by adequately equipping the
College, and by careful selection of scholars, to prevent the training
degenerating into a mere test-book knowledge of the subjects taught.

6.    The work of the Civil Veterinary Department in the Presidency
proper has consisted largely of continuing the campaign against rinderpest.
The mortality from this disease, though somewhat less than in the previous season,

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