No. 664 of 1909.

                                                    Bombay Veterinary College :

                                                        Parel, 22nd June 1909.


    M. H. SOWERBY, Esq., I. C. V. D.,
                    Acting Principal, Bombay Veterinary College ;




I have the honour to submit this the twenty-third Annual Report of the
Bombay Veterinary College dealing with its administration during the official
year 1908-1909. During this year up to the 3th May the charge of the College
was held by Major Joslen, the permanent Principal. Mr. Dhakmarwala took
it over temporarily from him on the 9th idem and was relieved of it by me on
my return from vacation leave on the 1st July, when Mr. Ware relieved me of
the appointment of Assistant Principal. A brief outline of the duties performed
in connection with the Bai Sakerbai Dinshaw Petit Hospital for Animals for
the year ending 31st December 1908 is embodied in the report.


2. The following Officers conducted the Professional Examinations :—

President—Colonel H. T. Pease, C.I.E., I.C.V.D., Inspector-General, Civil
Veterinary Department.


Major J. Farmer, I.C.V.D., Superintendent, Government Cattle

Earrn, Hissar.
Mr. K. Hewlett, I.C.V.D., Superintendent, Civil Veterinary

Department, Bombay Presidency.

The Examinations were held from 30th November to 9th December 1908
and the results (vide Appendix A) were declared and prizes awarded on the
latter date.

From the Appendix A it will be seen that of the three classes, totalling 95
candidates that presented themselves for examination, 67 passed : a percentage
of 70.52 as against 75.43 and 80.00 in 1907 and 1906, respectively. Twenty-
three candidates appeared for the Third Professional (Diploma) Examination.
Of these 17 passed. Under College Rule 27, a Supplementary Examination for
three students who failed in one subject only at the Second Professional
Examination was held in March by Mr. E. Hewlett, Superintendent, Civil
Veterinary Department, Bombay Presidency. None of these passed.

The following are the remarks of the Board of Examiners :—

" We consider the results satisfactory. The need of Anatomical rooms
conveniently near the College was brought to notice in our last report.
A Contagious Ward and small Laboratory for teaching purposes are also
urgently needed. A still further improvement is noticeable in the
Handling of Animals.

We noticed that in several cases students had not a sufficiently good
knowledge of English to express themselves in that language, and wo
think that a somewhat higher standard of general education should be
required for admission."

During this year at the recommendation of the Inspector-General, Civil
Veterinary Department, Government sanctioned the appointment of a permanent

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