Board of Examiners for this College. The Board consists of the Inspector-
General, the Superintendent, Government Cattle Farm, Hissar, and the Super-
intendent, Civil Veterinary Department, Bombay Presidency. A permanent
allotment of subjects to each Member of the Board has also been made and the
date of the commencement of the Examinations changed from 1st Monday in
December to last Monday in November.


3. At the beginning of the year there were 107 students on the College
rolls (vide Appendix B). During this year there were 38 entries as against 41
and 49 in 1907-1908 and 1906-1907, respectively. Thirty-two students joined
Class A. Two students joined Class B under concession (vide rule 17 of the
College Rules and Regulations). Three students who failed at the Second Pro-
fessional Examination in previous years rejoined Class B and one student
joined Class C under concession (vide rule 18). Thirty-nine students left the
College, viz., 12 passed the Diploma Examination and 5 left Class C after
having failed at the same examination, Four left Class B and 18 left Class A.
Two of the students who left Class B joined the Madras Veterinary College,
one before the examination in November and one after passing the examin-
ation, and two left the Class after having failed at the Examination. Out of 18
who left Class A one died, 8 left after having failed at the examination, 2 because
they were not allowed to go up for the examination on account of not
putting in the required number of lectures, and 4 on having failed to obtain a
scholarship at the Competitive Examination held in March 1908. The number
of students attending the College at the close of the official year was 106 as
compared to 107 and 111 in 1907-1908 and 1906-1907, respectively.

Four students who failed in the Diploma Examination held in December

1907  re-entered the College in July 1908 and one student joined Class C under
concession (by rule 19) in July 1908. Under clause 1, Rule 27, one student of
Class C who failed in the Diploma Examination in December 1907 reappeared
for that examination in December 1908 without rejoining the College. These
six students were not on the College rolls either at the beginning or at the end
of the official year 1908-1909. They appeared for examination in December

1908  and are shown in Appendix A but not in Appendix B.

Of the 106 students on the College rolls at the end of the year, one each
belonged to Bengal, Ceylon, Vankanir, Gondal, Kolhápur, Junágadh and Nágpur,
two each to Indore, Madras, Goa and Sángli, four to Bhávnagar, ten to
Travancore, and 30 to Mysore. The remaining 47 belonged to the town of
Bombay and the several Districts of the Presidency proper.

The number of men who presented themselves in January 1908 as can-
didates for admission as students was 53 as against 73 and 83 in 1907-1908 and
1906-1907, respectively. Of these new men, 35 joined, as previously stated.
Of the 32 men who joined Class A, 9 are Matriculates or School Final men.
Of the 18 men who did not join, 3 were Matriculates or School Final
men, 7 failed at the Entrance Examination and 8 did not join although they

Of the 35 students who joined the College, 16 belong to the Bombay
Presidency, 6 each to Mysore and Travancore, one each to Nágpur, Madras and
Indore, and 4 to Native States in the Bombay Presidency.

In the new admissions there are three Native State scholarship holders—one
sent by the Bhávnagar State and two by the Mysore Government.

Appendix C shows the different nationalities of the students on the College
rolls at the end of the year.

In the new admissions there were 31 Hindus, 3 Native Christians and
one Mahomedan.

                    GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIPS.

4. Up to the end of 1907-1908 candidates for all vacancies on the list of
Government Scholarship holders were selected by the Principal in consultation
with the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, Bombay Presidency,