Many pathological specimens which had undergone decomposition were
replaced by new specimens from the Hospital.

22.    The Teaching Staff have performed their duties satisfactorily.
Mr. Dhakmarwala has been very prompt and painstaking in the performance
of any extra work he has been called upon to do and Mr. Shaik has been very
zealous in connection with his extra duty in the Museum.

23.    On the death of Mr. Ranade, the Second Clerk, Mr. Palnitker, who
was acting for him, was confirmed in the place. He promises to be a good
clerk. Mr. Phatak, the Head Clerk, has shown much zeal and performed his
duties quite satisfactorily.

24.    I wish to thank Mr. Doctor, the Secretary of the Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, for his cordial co-operation and the great
assistance he gives by promptly carrying out any suggestions made in connec-
tion with the Hospital.

                                                                I have the honour to be,

                                                            Your most obedient servant,
                                                          M. H. SOWERBY, I. C. V. D.,
                                            Acting Principal, Bombay Veterinary College.