Financial Statement of the Bombay Veterinary College for 1908-1909.

Budget Sanction.

Actual Expenditure.







Rs. a. p.

Rs. a. p.

Rs. a. p.

Rs. a. p.

Prom Government Salaries—

Teaching Staff ... ... ...

39.132 0 0

40,770 0 0

Teaching Staff ... ... ...

31,700 7 11

26,525 4 4

Establishment ... ... ...

3,204 0 0

4,036 0 0

Establishment ... ... ...

3,073 11 11

4,251 1 7

Contingent Expenditure ...

1,728 0 0

1,688 0 0 |

Contingent Expenditure ...

2,092 3 5

1,610 8 8

Scholarships ... ... ...

2,130 0 0

3,780 0 0

Scholarships ... ... ...

1,980 0 0

2,590 0 0

Chemicals and Apparatus (in-
cluding grant for Museum)...

1,200 0 0

1,2C0 0 0

Chemicals, Instruments, Appli-
ances and Museum requirements.

1,156 5 0

*4,039 3 2

Examiners' Fees ... ...

300 0 0

300 0 0

Riding Fees ... ... ...

272 0 0

288 0 0

House Rent Allowance ...

1,440 0 0

1,440 0 0

Examiners' Fees ... ... ...

384 0 0

150 0 0

Books, Periodicals, etc. ...

450 0 0

5,450 6 0

House Rent Allowance ... ...

1,391 9 10

1,335 7 9

Purchase and binding of missing
numbers of Journals ...

530 0 0

Travelling allowances to Officers.

417 i 0

14 6 0

Travelling allowance to Offi-
cers ... ... ... ...

300 0 0

300 0 0

Furniture and Apparatus ...

G31 12 0

493 6 0

Furniture and Apparatus ...

394 0 0

434 0 0

Buildings and Repairs ... ...

1,546 3 1

5,015 2 4

Buildings and Repairs ...

1,547 0 0

5,094 0 0

Books and Periodicals ... ...

448 8 0

5,437 13 5

Honorarium to two Assistant
Veterinary Officers ...

900 0 0

900 0 0

Purchasing and binding of mis-
sing numbers of Journals ...

145 7 0


Charges for Instructions in
Dairy Work, Cattle, etc. ...

500 0 0

509 0 0

Honorarium to two Assistant
Veterinary Officers ... ...

900 0 0

900 0 0

Rents, Rates and Taxes ...

S3 0 0

83 0 0

Rents, Rates and Taxes ...

162 13 11

287 2 0

Conveyance allowance to
Assistant Professor of Ana-
tomy ... ... ... ...

180 0 0

180 0 0

Conveyance allowance to
Assistant Professor of Ana-
tomy ... ... ... ...

180 0 0

180 0 0

Riding Fees ... ... ...

300 0 0

300 0 0

New College Building and Stu-
dents'quarters ... ... ...

55,010 0 3

16,735 0 0

New College Building and Stu-
dents' quarters ... ...

55,094 0 0

16,800 0 0

Equipment of Laboratory ...

2,123 I 5


Equipment of Laboratory ...

1,000 0 0


Excursion charges ... ...

378 7 0

345 6 9

Excursion charges ... ...

500 0 0

500 0 0

Plague Allowance ... ...

81 14 0

182 4 0

Contribution to the operating
theatre ... ... ...

3,399 0


Contribution to the operating
theatre ... ... ... ...

3,399 0 0


Glass cases for the Museum ...

3,000 0 0


Glass cases for the Museum ...

3.000 0 0


Special grant for instruments,
appliances and requisites ...

8,390 0 0


Instruments, Appliances and
requisites ... ... ...

2,329 2 0


Opening ceremony of the New
College Building ... ...


900 0 0

Opening ceremony of the New
College building ... ...


897 7 0

Total ...

1,25,701 0 0

84,655 0 0

Total ...

l,I2,803 14 9

71,277 4 0

* N. B.—Includes cost of instruments and appliances indented for in 1907-1908 but received from England in 1908-1909.

Statement of Receipts on account of the College credited to Government.




Rs. a. p.

Rs. a. p.

Municipal contributions ... ...

2,500 0 0

2,500 0 0

Fees from students ...

5,460 0 0

5,400 0 0

Rent of students' quarters ... ...

530 0 0

1,176 0 0

Sale-proceeds of unserviceable articles,
old papers and packing cases ...

17 5 0

                                            M. H. SOWERBY, I. C. V. D.,
                                    Acting Principal, Bombay Veterinary College.