No. 4217 or 1909-10.

                                                                                   Poona, Office of the
                                                                            Director of Public Instruction,
                                                                                       12th July 1909.


           THE HONOURABLE MR. W. H. SHARP, M.A.,
                                                      Director of Public Instruction,


                                                    Educational Department,


I have the honour to forward the report of the Veterinary College, Parel,
for the year 1908-09, together with the remarks of the Director of Agriculture

2. In the course of the year the new buildings of the College were
formally opened, a permanent Board of Examiners was constituted, a new
system of selecting scholars was introduced, and improvements were carried out
in the College library.

3. The results of the year's work are satisfactory. The College continues
to be attended by men from all over India, and the majority of its graduates
seem to find employment without much difficulty.

                                                                 I have the honour to be,


                                                              Your most obedient servant,

                                                                         W. H. SHARP,
                                                             Director of Public Instruction.

        B 309—4