The Australian imports were 1,946 horses and 348 ponies as against
2,516 horses and 340 ponies and 2,347 horses and 300 ponies in 1907-08 and
1906-07, respectively.

The Arab imports were 1,493 horses and 474 ponies as against 2,160 horses
and 343 ponies and 2,274 horses and 242 ponies in 1907-08 and 1906-07, respect-

The Persian imports were 112 horses as against 236 horses in 1907-08 and
289 horses and 65 ponies in 1906-07.

This year 31 American and 3 Arab donkeys and 148 Persian and 1 Arab
mules were imported.

Of the total above mentioned imports 14 horses were sent to the Sewree
Lazaretto from the Harbour, 9 as suspicious and 5 as Contacts. Out of these
4 reacted to Mallein and were destroyed for Glanders and 10 were returned to
their owners. Besides these 6 Arab horses were tested in the dealers' stables,
2 out of which reacted to Mallein and were removed to the Sewree Lazaretto
and destroyed for Glanders.

4.    There were six consignments of horses from Queensland.

5.    Owing to Epizootic Lymphangitis and Surra having been scheduled
under the Glanders and Farcy Act, the number of horses standing at the
Lazaretto has increased and the present accommodation is insufficient for this
increased number. I, therefore, intend to submit a proposal to Government
for building new stalls.

6.    South African Horse Sickness has this year been scheduled under the
Glanders and Farcy Act.

7.     Mr. Dubash whose services were lent to the Zanzibar Government
reverted to his appointment as Chief Veterinary Inspector on 1st March 1909.
Veterinary Inspector P. DeSouza was deputed to Aden for special duty in
connection with South African Horse Sickness from 7th November 1908 to
26th January 1909. Veterinary Graduate P. Gracias was appointed to act
during his absence.

For the eleven months of the year under report during which Mr. Miranda
acted as Chief Veterinary Inspector he performed his duties to my entire

Owing to the scheduling of Epizootic Lymphangitis and Surra under the
Glanders and Farcy Act, the work of the Department has considerably
increased and the scale of pay of the Inspecting Staff and the Clerk attached
to the Department has been revised and so arranged as to suit the present
circumstances. The revised scale comes into force with effect from the
1st April 1909.

8.    Appendix II is the Financial Statement for the year under report.

                                                                 I have the honour to be,


                                                             Your most obedient servant,

                                                          M. H. SOWERBY, I. C. V. D.,
                                                 Acting Principal, Bombay Veterinary College.