Besides the above number 2,273 inoculations were performed by the Military
Department at Poona and Aden from serum supplied by the Superintendent,
Civil Veterinary Department.

15.    No inoculations against Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia were performed as
the issue of serum for this disease has been discontinued. The use of anti-
anthrax serum has also been restricted. Black Quarter inoculation has not
been attempted, as the method requires the use of a double vaccine, and
although generally speaking is attended with only slight mortality as a result of
vaccination, is on occasions in certain outbreaks attended with a high mortality.
The Superintendent therefore considers it unwise at the present stage of
development to run the risk of a serious percentage of mortality from vaccina-
tion and so discredit the work of the Department in the eyes of the ryots.

                                Investigation and Research.

16.    During the year under report pathological material has been submit-
ted to the Laboratory at the Bombay Veterinary College for examination by
the following Veterinary Assistants:—M. C. Joshi, G. R. Jog, H. B. Shirsathe,
A. G. Sadekar, V. N. Kulkarni, D. B. Mamtora, K. H. Dhivedi, V. R. Pitke,
Y. N. Maruthe, G. L. Muley, A. D. Lopez, S. V. Soman, and D. M. Gadkari.
The Veterinary Assistants, however, as a whole do not pay sufficient attention to
this branch of their duties. It is of the greatest importance that preparations
from all epizootic diseases and especially those not well understood or hard to
diagnose should be submitted, as there is a wide field for research into the
diseases of animals in this Presidency. It is also of importance to correctly
diagnose and differentiate such diseases as Anthrax, Black Quarter, and
Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia and to map out yearly the areas affected.

                                (2).—Other diseases,

17.    There were 75 cases of other contagious diseases not named or not
properly diagnosed. Besides these the Veterinary Assistants treated 15,985
cases while on tour of which 7,719 were contagious diseases and 8,266 were
non-contagious diseases, as compared with a total of 12, 765 last year. The
total number of cases treated as in and out-patients by Veterinary Assistants
at their head-quarters was 56,550 as compared with 43,517 last year and 40,347
year before last. This gives a total number 72,535 cases treated by Veterinary
Assistants throughout the Presidency as against 56,282 last year, an increase
of 16,253.

                (3).Veterinary Hospitals and Dispensaries.

18.    There were in all 32 dispensaries open at the end of the year under
report as against 28 last year. Pour new dispensaries were opened during the
year, two in the Sátára District and one each in the Thána and Kánara
Districts. The buildings of the new City Dispensary in Poona have been com-
pleted. The erection of this dispensary has been very greatly assisted by
Ráo Bahádur Shet Ram Narayan Amarchand who gave Rs. 12,000 towards the
cost of buildings. The Belgaum Dispensary is also nearing completion and
should be ready for occupation before the coming monsoon.

19. The following is a brief review of the work done in the various dis-
pensaries during the year. It may be seen that these institutions have made
considerable progress. There is now an average of over 2,266 cases treated
yearly per dispensary and as some of the institutions newly started treated very
few cases, the number is satisfactory. A large proportion also of the animals
treated are the property of cultivators and the cultivating classes generally
are availing themselves of the benefits of these institutions more and more from
year to year. The general utility of Veterinary dispensaries has been recognised
by Government for some years past and their growing popularity in this Pre-
sidency and elsewhere tends to show that they are appreciated by the people.
In addition to their ordinary function of providing treatment for diseased
animals they act as centres from which a correct knowledge of the care and
rational treatment of live stock can be spread. This educative side of the
dispensary is often overlooked although it is really of very great importance.