20.    Dhulia Dispensary.—Veterinary Assistant D. G. Kulkarni held
charge with the exception of a fortnight when he was on privilege leave during
which time Salutri Gadgil was in charge. The total number of cases treated
was 2,873 as against 2,547 last year. Of the cases treated 581 were equines,
1,877 bovines, and 485 others. The average daily attendance was 38.0 and
the percentage of animals, the property of cultivators, was 32.2. The Veterinary
Assistant was on tour for 58 days and 4 outbreaks of contagious disease were
attended. He visited 25 villages for other purposes and treated 463 cases on
tour. The Veterinary Assistant treated animals belonging to the Police, the
Municipality, Jail and Government Farm, and visited weekly cattle markets.
He attended the Agricultural Show at Dhulia and lectured on veterinary
subjects. He supervised the work of the Government Stallion at Dhulia and
inspected the Local Board Bull. The work of the dispensary from the report
appears satisfactory, but the Superintendent regrets to state that in reality the
dispensary is badly managed, the progress shown is not real progress, and that
Veterinary Assistant Kulkarni is lazy and incompetent and unless great im-
provement is shown he will have to be severely dealt with. The dispensary was
inspected on 10th November 1908. The cattle population within a radius of
5 miles is 5,360 ; the number of cattle treated is 1,877, giving a percentage of
35*02. Fees are levied.

21.    Nandurbár Dispensary.—Veterinary Assistant D. S. Purohit held
charge during the year. The total number of cases treated was 2,068 as against
2,304 last year. Of the cases treated 388 were equines, 1,619 bovines, and 61
others. The average daily attendance was 25.4. The percentage of animals
treated belonging to cultivators was 83.56. The Veterinary Assistant was on.
tour for 36 days ; he attended two outbreaks of contagious disease and visited
18 villages and treated 566 cases. The dispensary was inspected on 22nd
November 1908. The cattle population within a radius of 5 miles is 7,760,
the number of cattle treated is 1,619, giving a percentage of 20.87. Treatment
is free.

22.    Jalgaon Dispensary.—Veterinary Assistant N. B. Soman held charge.
The total number of cases treated was 2,278 as against 2,209 last year. Of these
cases 291 were equines, 1,889 bovines, and 98 others. The daily average attend-
ance was 35.78. Of the cases treated 1,234 or 54.17 per cent. were the property
of cultivators. The Veterinary Assistant was on tour for 44 days; he attended 5
outbreaks of contagious disease and visited 17 villages. He treated 425 cases on
tour. He performed 2 post-mortem examinations. He inspected the Government
stallions at Jalgaon and Chalisgaon. He treated Police and Municipal animals.
The dispensary is not making much progress. It was inspected on 21st Novem-
ber 1908. The cattle population within 5 miles is 14,060; the number of
cattle treated is 1,889, giving a percentage of 13.43. Fees are levied.

23.     A'malner Dispensary.—Veterinary Assistant S. V. Soman held charge
throughout the year. The total number of cases treated at the dispensary was
1,704 as against 1,565 last year. Of the cases treated 157 were equines, 1,465
bovines, and 82 others. The daily average attendance was 29.41 and the per-
centage of animals, the property of cultivators, was 96.59. The Veterinary
Assistant was on tour for 53 days, and visited 31 villages and treated 770 cases.
He attended the cattle markets at A'malner and Dharangaon. The dispensary
is progressing. It was inspected on 22nd November 1908. The cattle popula-
tion within a radius of 5 miles is 5,301; the number of cattle treated is 1,465,
giving a percentage of 27.63. Fees are levied.

24.    Násik Dispensary.—Veterinary Assistant B. Reuben was in charge
of the dispensary except for 5 months, when he was on leave, and Veterinary
Assistant Jog held charge. The total number of cases treated was 4,212 as
against 2,603 last year. The increase is mainly due to the prevalence of foot
and mouth disease in and around Násik. Of the cases treated 718 were equines,
3,189 bovines, and 305 others. The average daily attendance was 64.08. The
percentage of animals treated belonging to cultivators was 37.5. In addition to
his ordinary hospital duties the Veterinary Assistant treated animals belonging
to the Mounted Police and Municipality, and assisted in purchasing bullocks for
the Municipality. He also served as a Slaughter House and meat Inspector

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