for 3 months. He performed 8 post-mortem examinations. The dispensary has
continued to do good work and Mr. Reuben has worked well and is a capable
man. The dispensary was inspected on 9th November 1908. The cattle
population within a radius of 5 miles is 14,189 ; the number of cattle treated is
3,189, giving a percentage of 22.47. Fees are levied.

25.    Násik Itinerating Dispensary.—Veterinary Assistant H. R. Kshir-
sagar held charge up to 19th March when Veterinary Assistant B. G-. Govaikar
took charge. The Veterinary Assistant was on tour for 293 days. He visited
31 villages to attend outbreaks of foot and mouth disease, rinderpest, or black
quarter. He visited also 39 villages for other purposes. He treated 1,755
cases against 1,744 last year. Of these 1,496 were contagious cases, mostly
foot and mouth disease. Veterinary Assistant Kshirsagar resigned the service
after being requested to do so on account of his lack of zeal and absolute incom-
petence. The dispensary was inspected on 11th November 1908.

26.    Ahmednagar Dispensary.—Veterinary Assistant A. D. Lopez held
charge. The total number of cases treated at the dispensary amounts to 2,005
as against 1,416 last year. Of the cases treated 259 were equines, 1,427 bovines,
and 319 others. The average daily attendance at the dispensary was 549 and
the percentage of cultivators' animals treated was 64.98. The Veterinary
Assistant was on tour for 93 days; he attended 2 outbreaks of contagious
disease, visited 2 villages and weekly cattle markets; also treated 334 animals
when on tour. He inspected Municipal cattle sheds and. slaughter-houses and
inspected meat. He performed 12 post-mortem examinations. The dispensary
has made good progress during the year and Veterinary Assistant Lopez's work
has been satisfactory. The dispensary was inspected on 12th November 1908.
The cattle population within a radius of 5 miles is 5,042, number of cattle
treated is 1,427, giving a percentage of 28.30. Treatment is free.

27.    Ahmednagar Itinerating Dispensary (Miri).—Veterinary Assistant
G. A, Washikar held charge. He was on leave for one month. There were
1,046 cases treated during the year as against 232 (for 117 days) last year. Of the
cases treated 169 were equines, 837 bovines, and 40 others. The daily average
attendance was 4.0 and the percentage of cultivators' animals treated was 83.56.
The Veterinary Assistant was on tour for 183 days. He visited 47 villages and
the cattle markets at Ghodegaon, Kukane, Pathardi and Pachegaon twice a
month. He performed 37 post-mortem examinations. He attended the Nagar
Agricultural Show and delivered a lecture. The dispensary is making progress.
The dispensary was inspected on 15th November 1908.

28.    Ahmednagar Itinerating Dispensary (Shrigonda).—Veterinary Assist-
ant H. B. Shirsathe held charge. There were 1,108 cases treated against 433
(8 months) last year. Of the cases treated 175 were equines, 861 bovines, and
71 others. The daily average attendance was 32 and the percentage of
cultivators' animals treated was 77.98. The Veterinary Assistant was on tour
128 days. He visited 19 villages and attended 12 outbreaks of contagious
disease. He attended the cattle markets at Mirajgaon, Kasti, Rahuri, several
times. He was present at Ahmednagar and Shrigonda Cattle Shows and lectured
to the people on Veterinary subjects. The dispensary is progressing. The
dispensary was inspected on 16th November 1908.

29.    Poona District Dispensary.—Veterinary Assistant D. D. Sanga was
in charge of the dispensary and Veterinary Assistant Sethna was resident
assistant. Mr. Sethna during the year was absent for three months, during
which time Veterinary Assistant V. N. Kulkarni acted for him. During the
year 1,180 cases were treated as against 1,200 last year. Of these cases 440
were equines, 292 bovines, and 448 others, chiefly dogs. The Veterinary
Assistant also treated animals belonging to the Mounted Police, Civil Dairy,
and Agricultural College Farm. The chief work of both Veterinary Assistants
attached to this dispensary is to teach at the Agricultural College to which in
reality it is an annex. The dispensary does not serve a useful purpose as an
ordinary District Local Board Veterinary Dispensary. It is however useful as
a teaching institution and is a convenience to residents of Poona and Kirkee
Cantonments. The dispensary has been well managed. It was inspected on
9th October 1908. Pees are levied.