SO. Poona City Dispensary.—Veterinary Assistant Y. N. Marathe held
charge throughout the year. There were 3,505 cases treated as against 2,464
last year. The increase is due to the institution gaining in popularity, out-
breaks of foot and mouth disease and to the dispensary now having proper
accommodation. Of the cases treated 951 were equines, 2,037 bovines and
518 others. There was an average daily attendance of 73.64. Nearly 30
per cent of the animals treated belonged to cultivators. The dispensary has
been well managed and credit is due to Veterinary Assistant Marathe. It
was inspected on 12th March 1909. The cattle population within a radius
of 5 miles is 14,956, the number of cattle treated 2,036, giving a percentage
of 13.61. Fees are levied.

31.    Poona Itinerating Dispensary.—Veterinary Assistant V. N. Kulkarni
held charge except for three months when he was withdrawn from his duties
to hold charge as Resident Assistant at the District Dispensary. The Veterinary
Assistant spent his time visiting villages, treating cases of contagious disease,
visiting cattle markets, and generally advertising Veterinary Science in the
district. He translated leaflets into Kánarese under orders from the Superin-
tendent. Veterinary Assistant Kulkarni is a capable man but has not had much
opportunity of showing work or developing the dispensary.

32.    Sholápur Dispensary —Veterinary Assistant N. R. Kulkarni held
charge except for one month when he was on privilege leave and one month
when he was attending a coarse of instruction in rinderpest inoculation at
Bareilly. During his absence Salutri Nagarkar held charge. The total number
of cases treated at the dispensary was 1,482 as against 913 last year. Of the
cases treated 350 were equines, 806 bovines, and 326 others. The average
daily attendance was 30.59. The percentage of animals treated belonging to
cultivators is 37.3l. The Veterinary Assistant was on tour for 13 days and
attended 4 outbreaks of contagious disease. He treated 243 cases on tour. He
performed 2 post-mortem examinations. He attended the Cattle Show a
Sholápur, treated the Municipal and Police animals, inspected the stallions a
Sholápur and Karmála. The dispensary is making progress. It was inspected
on 14th January 1909. The cattle population within a radius of 5 miles is
4,591, the number of cattle treated is 806, giving a percentage of 17.55. Treat-
ment is free.

33.     Sátára Dispensary.—This is a new dispensary and was opened on
1st July. Veterinary Assistant S. N. Phatak held charge. The total number of
cases treated at the dispensary was 840, of which 252 were equines, 468 bovines,
and 120 others. The daily average attendance was 15.34. Of the cases treated
50 per cent. were the property of cultivators. In addition to his ordinary
duties the Veterinary Assistant assisted the Police authorities in inspecting
animals of public conveyances for license. He visited weekly cattle markets
and attended the Nagoba Cattle Fair at Mhaswad. He was on tour for 20 days
attended two outbreaks of contagious disease, and visited other 5 villages. The
dispensary has made a fair start; it was inspected on 19th February 1909. The
cattle population within a radius of 5 miles is 10,030, the number of cattle
treated is 468, giving a percentage of 4.67. Treatment is free.

34.    Sátára (Karád) Dispensary.—This is a new dispensary and was
opened on 26th November 1908. Charge of the dispensary was held by
Veterinary Assistant G. R. Jog. He was sent to Bareilly to undergo a course of
instruction in rinderpest inoculation and was absent for one month. The dis-
pansary has therefore been open for three months only. The Veterinary Assist-
ant has only treated 32 cases. Veterinary Assistant Jog has shown himself to
be without initiative and lacking in energy. The dispensary was inspected on
20th February 1909.

35.    Belgaum Dispensary.—Veterinary Assistant A. G. Sadekar held
charge of the dispensary throughout the year, except during the time he was
sent to Bareilly to attend the course of instruction in rinderpest inoculation.
During his absence Veterinary Assistant Pandhi was temporarily appointed to
hold charge. The total number of cases treated at the dispensary amount to
2,084 as against 1,958 last year. Of the cases treated 234 were equines, 1,230
bovines, and 620 others. The average daily attendance was 44.60, and the
percentage of animals belonging to cultivators was 65.59. The Veterinary