the Cattle Pairs at Rattihalli, Devargudda and Dhárwár Cattle Show. Not
much progress has been made. The dispensary was inspected on 24th February

40.    Kánara (Sirsi) Dispensary.—This is a new dispensary and was opened
on 10th November 1908. Veterinary Assistant J. G. Kulkarni held charge.
He was absent from his dispensary duties between 28th December and 12th
February attending a course of instruction in rinderpest inoculation at Bareilly
and during that time Veterinary Assistant Govaikar held charge. The total
number of cases treated at the dispensary was 62, of which 1 was equine, 60
bovines and 1 other. The Veterinary Assistant was on. tour 55 days, attended
6 outbreaks of contagious disease and visited 13 villages for other purposes. The
dispensary so far has not made much progress but the Veterinary Assistant has
been energetic and in time good progress may be expected,

41.    Ratnágiri Dispensary.—Veterinary Assistant D. B. Bapat held charge
throughout the year. The total number of cases treated at the dispensary was
4,145 as against 3,792 last year. Of the cases treated 56 wore equines, 8,963
bovines, and 126 others. The average daily attendance was 11.39 and the
percentage of cultivators' animals treated was 90 per cent. The Veterinary
Assistant was on tour for 83 days, visited 14 outbreaks of contagious disease
and one village for other than contagious disease. He performed 155 post-
mortem examinations. He attended the Panvel Cattle Pair and Show. The
dispensary is continuing to make good progress and Veterinary Assistant Bapat
has continued to do excellent work and is capable and enthusiastic. The dis-
pensary was inspected on 10th February 1909. The cattle population within a
radius of 5 miles is 8,331; the cattle treated number 3,963, giving a percentage
of 47.57. Treatment is free.

42.    Alibág Dispensary.—Mr. V. R. Pitke held charge. The total num-
ber of cases treated was 1,954 as against 1.760 last year. Of these 150 were
equines, 1,643 bovines and 161 others. The average daily attendance was 18.57
and the percentage of animals treated belonging to cultivators was 60.9. The
Veterinary Assistant was on tour for 35 days, attended outbreaks of contagious
disease, visited 20 villages for other purpose than treating contagious disease,
treated 440 cases, and attended the Cattle Show and Fair at Panvel. The dispen-
sary is doing useful work and Mr. Pitke is capable. The dispensary was
inspected on 2nd January 1909. The cattle population within a radius of
5 miles is 6,898 ; the cattle treated number 1,954, giving a percentage of 28.33.
Treatment is free.

43.    Kolába (Maliád) Itinerating Dispensary.—Veterinary Assistant D.
M. Gadkari held charge throughout the year. The total number of patients
treated amounts to 1,532 as against 357 last year. This increase is due to the
fact that last year the dispensary was newly started and only open for some
seven months and also to the increase in popularity of the institution. Of the
cases treated 122 were equines, 1,377 bovines and 33 others. The average
daily attendance was 4.46 and the percentage of animals, the property of culti-
vators, was 23.19. The Veterinary Assistant was away from head quarters for
158 days, visited 84 villages, attended 55 outbreaks of contagious disease, and
treated 564 cases on tour. He performed 12 post-mortem examinations. The
dispensary has made very good progress and credit is due to Veterinary Assist-
ant Gadkari. The cattle population within a radius of 5 miles is 5,604; the
cattle treated number 1,377, giving a percentage of 24.57. Treatment is free.

44.    Kolába (Panvel) Itinerating Dispensary.—Veterinary Assistant G.
K. Mainkar held charge. He was on privilege leave for 15 days. The total
number of cases treated at the dispensary was 987 as against 636 last year. Of
the cases treated 70 were equines, 893 bovines and 24 others. The average
daily attendance was 4.05 and the percentage of animals, the property
of cultivators, was 69.10. The Veterinary Assistant was away from head quar-
ters for 97 days. He visited 60 villages, attended 42 outbreaks of contagious
disease and treated 713 cases on tour. He attended the Panvel Show. The
dispensary has not made as good progress as it should, and compares unfavour-
ably with that at Mahád. It was inspected on 6th December 1908. The
cattle population within 5 miles is 13,000; the cattle treated number 893, giving
a percentage of 6.87. Treatment is free.

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