No. 29-54-C.

                                                                   Karáchi, 26th June 1909.


           MAJOR A. S. TRYDELL, I. C. V. D.,

                Superintendent, Indian Civil Veterinary Department,

                                                  Sind, Baluchistan and Rajputána ;



                                             Revenue Department, Bombay.

                (Through the Commissioner in Sind, Karáchi.)


I have the honour to submit for the consideration of His Excellency the
Governor in Council the Annual Administration Report of the Indian Civil
Veterinary Department in Sind for the official year 1908-1909.

                           GENERAL ADMINISTRATION.

2.    I held charge of the office of Superintendent, Indian Civil Veterinary
Department, Sind, Baluchistan and Rájputána, throughout the year under

3.    I toured through the districts of Upper Sind Frontier, Lárkhána and
Sukkur, and inspected all the Veterinary Dispensaries in the Province. I also
attended the Jacobabad, Shikárpur (Sukkur District) and Talhar (Hyderabad
District) cattle shows. I travelled 4,902 miles by rail and 508 by road against
2,878 and 339 respectively travelled last year.


4.    There are no Colleges or Schools in the Province.

                                 II.—TREATMENT OF DISEASE.

(1) Contagious disease, outbreaks, mortality, preventive inoculation, etc.

5.    Reports of outbreaks of contagious diseases have been received from

3  districts only and the number of deaths therefrom are shown in Table II, viz.,

4  amongst equines, 1,753 bovines and 173 other animals against 4 deaths
amongst equines, 221 bovines and 11 other animals reported last year. These
numbers are infinitesimal in comparison with the stock in the Province, which
probably run into millions.


Surra.Vide Table II, one death is reported in Karachi and 1 in Hyder-
abad District from this disease against 1 death reported last year in Sukkur

None of the Veterinary Graduates in the Province appear to have paid
much attention as to the existence of this disease which is unsatisfactory. I am
fairly confident that it must be present to some extent in each district at times.
It is known as "Sar" or "Sur" in places I have been to in the Province.


Rinderpest.—The disease broke out in the town of Karachi at the close of
the year 1907-1908 and continued during the year under report. There was
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