(2) Other diseases.

7.    As shown in Table II there were 2 deaths amongst equines and 9
amongst bovines from other contagious diseases against 1 and 28 deaths respect-
ively reported last year. Besides these (vide Table IV), the Veterinary Assistants
while on tour treated 2,434 cases, of which 412 were contagious and 2,021 non-
contagious, and 1 castration was performed as compared to 2,457, of which 323
were contagious, 2,123 non-contagious and 11 castration cases treated last year.

The total number of cases treated by Veterinary Assistants as in and out-
door patients at their dispensaries (vide Table V) was 13,230 as compared with
11,846 cases treated last year. This gives a total of 15,664 cases treated during
the year against 14,303 cases treated last year.

                         (3) Veterinary Hospitals and Dispensaries.

8.    There are 6 Veterinary Dispensaries open during the year, viz., the
same number as the previous year. The construction of a new building for
Veterinary Dispensary and hospital at Lárkhána was completed during the year.
A hospital and dispensary at Halla was also completed but was not opened as no
Veterinary Assistant was forthcoming on the terms offered. The site for
building a dispensary at Sukkur was selected and the work taken in hand but
it has been postponed pending the settlement of negotiations with the Military
Authorities regarding the revision of the Military zone.

Karáchi Veterinary Dispensary.—Veterinary Graduate Haji remained in
charge of the dispensary throughout the year. The total number of cases
treated at this dispensary during the year was 5,397 (in and out-patients) and
on tour 554, making a total of 5,951 against 5,308 last year. Of the total treated
at the dispensary 1,101 were equines, 3,372 bovines and 924 others against
1,497, 2,216 and 983, respectively, last year.

I have only lately found that healthy animals for exportation and horses
the property of people requiring temporary stabling are also included. These
may not amount to large numbers but they should not be entered as patients,
even if stabling or other fees are charged. They might be shown in a separate
register if necessary. The figures also include inoculations against rinderpest.

Two horses, 17 bulls and 3 other animals were castrated during the year
against 8 castrated last year.

The financial condition of the dispensary is shown in Table VI attached.
It shows Rs 12,707-7-S under the head receipts and Rs. 11,261-1-3 under that of
expenditure, leaving a balance of Rs. 1,446-6-5 at the close of the year against
Rs. 1,195-9-8 last year. 1,518 horses were shod at the shoeing forge
attached to the dispensary against 1,432 shod in the year 1907-1908. The
forge shows a surplus balance after deducting the expenses of Rs. 809-15
against Rs. 779-12-2 last year. The receipts for shoeing read well, but the
work is very indifferently performed and it had been pointed out to
Mr. Haji that he should endeavour to teach his nalband the principles of
shoeing as he is very ignorant of them. Were Karachi a wet climate and there
was such a thing as " heavy going " I am afraid that cast shoes would be very
common. Besides nails being weakly driven in, feet are not properly
prepared and the evil of "fitting the foot to the shoe" is too frequently done.
There is no question about it, however, but that a nalband is a real difficult
man to deal with; he has to be constantly watched, and even then his work is
rarely better than fair.

The cattle population within a radius of 5 miles of this dispensary is
reported to be 9,441 and the cattle treated 3,372, which gives a percentage of
35.71 against 34.76 last year.

Fees are charged at this dispensary for the treatment of all stock belonging
to well-to-do people.

Hyderabad Dispensary.—This institution remained in charge of Veteri-
nary Graduate Asudamal throughout the year 1908-09. 2,321 cases were
treated at the dispensary against 2,132 treated last year—an increase of 189.