of 2,194 treated last year—an increase of 184. Of the total treated at the
dispensary 871 were equines, 775 bovines and 422 others against 862, 745 and
307, respectively, last year.

The Veterinary Graduate performed 10 castrations against 5 last year.
He visited certain villages regularly throughout the year and attended the
Shikárpur and Sibi cattle fairs.

Table VI shows the financial condition of the dispensary. The receipts
were Rs. 14,262-14-0, expenditure Rs. 3,851-4-7 and the balance available
Rs. 10,411-9-5.

The cattle population within a radius of 5 miles of this dispensary is
6,000 and the cattle treated at the dispensary 775, which gives a percentage
of 12.91 against 12.41 last year.

The treatment at this dispensary is free except that a nominal fee is
charged for animals sent under the Cruelty to Animals Act.

Jacobabad dispensary.—Veterinary Graduate V. M. Sathe held charge of
the dispensary from 1st April to 4th August 1908. He was then relieved by
D. T. Wadhwani, the permanent incumbent, on return of the latter from leave.
The number of animals treated at the dispensary was 752 against 705 treated
last year. Of this number 459 were equines, 125 bovines and 168 others. Mr.
Wadhwani castrated 7 horses against 2 last year and attended the Jacobabad,
Sibi and Shikárpur cattle shows.

The dispensary remained located in the same building as last year which has
no accommodation for in-patients. The number shown in Table V as in-patients
were cases sent for treatment under the Cruelty to Animals Act.

Table VI shows the financial condition of the dispensary. The receipts were
Rs. 2,453-9-3, expenditure Rs. 1,406-12-3 and the balance Rs. 1,046-13-0.

The cattle population within a radius of 5 miles of the dispensary is
reported to be 3,936 and the number of cattle treated at the dispensary 125, which
gives a percentage of 3.17 against 1.04 last year.

No fees are charged at this dispensary.

                               III.—BREEDING OPERATIONS.

9.    There is nothing to be recorded under the heads (1), (2) and (3) as there
are no studs maintained in the Province and all horse breeding operations are
under the control of the Army Remount Department.

                                      (4) Fairs and Shows.

                                           Cattle Fairs.

10.    They were held at Jacobabad, Shikárpur (Sukkur district), and Talhar
(Hyderabad district), as shown in Table XIV.

Jacobabad was held for the first time in connection with the Horse show
442 animals competed for prizes and Rs. 275 were awarded.

Shikárpur was also held in connection with the Horse show on 20th to 23rd
January 1909. 337 animals competed for prizes against 180 last year and
Rs. 457-8-0 awarded against Rs. 370 the previous year.

Talhar was held on the 1st and 2nd March 1909 simultaneously with the
horse show. The number of animals competing was 149 against 252 last year
and 438 the year before. Rs. 470 were awarded in prizes against Rs. 419-8-0
awarded in 1907-1908. As the number of animals attending the show has
materially decreased annually since its institution, it was recommended to
abandon it.

Reports upon each show have been duly submitted and finally at the end of
the year a note on the undesirability of holding them in the irrigated areas in
Sind has been submitted with this office No. 100—111, dated 5th May 1909.
The favour of referring to the note when perusing this report is solicited.

B 809—15