Below letter No. 2954-C, dated the 26th June 1906, from the Superintendent,
Civil Veterinary Department, Sind, Baluchistan and Rajputána, and

                                       No. G.—325 or 1909.

                                                         GENERAL DEPARTMENT :

                                               Office of the Commissioner in Sind,
                                     Government House, Karachi, 20th July 1909.

Submitted to Government.

2.    This is the first report to be transmitted direct to Government in
accordance with the orders in Government Resolution No. 1545, dated the 12th
February 1909, instead of being forwarded to the Director of Agriculture. The
Commissioner has little to add to the full and comprehensive report submitted
by Major Trydell.

3.    It is interesting to observe the large increase in the numbers of inocu-
lations against rinderpest which were performed during the year under report,
and the success which attended the operation as recorded in Table III.

The Commissioner concurs in the opinion that an inexperienced veterinary
graduate should not have been deputed to deal with the outbreak of rinderpest
in the Karachi district, and a copy of Major Trydell's remarks on the subject
will be communicated to the District Local Board.

4.    With reference to the remarks in paragraph 11 of the report regarding
" Surra, " the Acting Commissioner would observe that the matter has been fully
disposed of in correspondence with the Superintendent, and need not therefore
have been referred to again at such unnecessary length in the administration
report. As however the Superintendent has admitted controversial matter into
his report, the Acting Commissioner wishes again to assure Government that
Mr. Haji is an officer of exceptional zeal and real ability, and that his successful
efforts in scientific research, which deserve every encouragement, in no way
interfere with the discharge of his practical duties at his dispensary.

5.    The note on the question of the value of shows referred to in para-
graph 11 of the report, has been submitted separately under this office
No. G.—301, dated the 5th July 1909.

6.    Major Trydell's report on the re-organization of the subordinate
veterinary service in Sind has just been received and is under consideration.
The Acting Commissioner hopes to be able to submit it to Government at an
early date.

7.    Major Trydell has again displayed marked energy and interest in his

                                                         W. H. LUCAS,
                                            Acting Commissioner in Sind.