Financial Statement of the Glanders and Farcy Department
                                                                for the year 1909-1910.

Budget Sanction


Actual Expenditure








Rs. a. p.

Rs. a. p.

Rs. a. p.

Rs. a. p.

Inspecting Staff

6,791 13 4

7,785 0 0

Inspecting Staff ...

6,720 0 0

7,140 0 O

Establishment ...

495 0 0

475 0 O

Establishment ...

420 0 0

480 0 0

Conveyance Allowance to
Officers ...

835 0 0

831 13 4,.

Conveyance Allowance to
Officers ...

840 0 0

840 0 0

Conveyance Allowance to
Inspecting Staff ...

1,263 0 0

1,593 15 5

Conveyance Allowance to
Inspecting Staff ...

1,260 0 0

1,680 0 0

Cost Of Mallein, &o. ...

265 12 0

355 6 6

Grant for Mallein, etc ...

200 0 0

200 0 0

Burning carcasses ...

2,376 O 0

1,398 0 0

Do. burning carcasses.

3,000 O 0

3,000 0 0

Telephone charges ...

175 0 0

175 0 O

Telephone charges ...

175 0 O

175 0 0

Contingent charges ...

217 6 10

307 4 8

Contingent charges ...

290 0 0

290 0 0

Buildings and repairs at the
Lazaretto ... ...

193 3 0

615 14 3

Building and repairs ...

190 0 O

590 0 0

Rates and Taxes ...

23 0 0

23 0 0

Rates and Taxes ...

23 1 9

17 0 0

Uniforms to Inspectors ...

90 O 0

90 0 0

Uniforms to Inspectors ...

90 0 0

90 0 O

Grain Compensation ...

10 0 O

18 0 o

Grain Compensation and
local allowance ...

25 8 0

42 8 O

Plague Allowance ...


140 0 0

Plague Allowance ...

119 0 0

88 8 o

Total ... Rs.

13,218 0 O

14,666 0 0


12,869 12 2

13,775 6 2

Parel, Bombay, 1st June 1910.

                                                                                                                    M. H. SOWBRBY, I.O.V.D,
                                                                                                                    Principal, Bombay Veterinary College.