dispensary was inspected on 15th July 1909. This dispensary has made very
good progress during the year (the second only of its existence) and the work of
Veterinary Assistant Phatak has been satisfactory. The cattle population
within a radius of 5 miles is 10,030 and the number treated is 1,750 giving a
percentage of 17.44. Treatment is free. Suitable buildings are required for
this dispensary. The financial statement shows a balance of Rs. 1,026-15-9. The
expenditure was Rs. 1,907-13-2. Item for medicines, &c., Rs, 1,204-15-2 includes
cost of medicines for two years as the recovery voucher for both years was
received this year.

35.    Karád (Sátára) Dispensary.—Veterinary Assistant G. R. Jog held
charge. The total number of cases treated was 1,210 as against 32 last year.
Of the cases treated 230 were equines, 923 bovines and 57 others. The
average daily attendance was 13.8 and the proportion of cultivators' animals
treated was 55.04. The Veterinary Assistant was on tour for 36 days, visited
25 villages, attended 20 outbreaks, treated 192 cases on tour, attended the
Agricultural Show at Shirála and lectured to the people. The dispensary
was inspected on 16th July 1909. Some progress has been made. The cattle
population within 5 miles of the dispensary is 10,783, the cattle treated number
923 giving a percentage of 8.56. Treatment is free. The financial statement
shows a balance of Rs. 506-4-5. The expenditure amounted to Rs. 952-12-7
but items for medicines, instruments, furniture, &c, are high as the initial
equipment was paid for during the year.

36.    Belgaum Dispensary.—Veterinary Assistant Sadekar held charge till
15th May when he resigned. The Salutri Compounder then held charge until
Veterinary Assistant Sane took over on 7th June. Veterinary Assistant Sane
remained in charge till the close of the year except when on 7 days' privilege
leave. The total number of cases treated was 2,779 against 2,084 last year.
Of the cases 225 were equines, 1,872 bovines and 682 others. The average daily
attendance was 41.73 and the percentage of cultivators' animals treated was
63.39. The Veterinary Assistant was on tour for 59 days, attended 17 out-
breaks of contagious disease, visited 35 villages, treated 722 cases on tour,
lectured to the people and visited cattle markets at Gokák, Bágewádi and
Khánápur. The dispensary was inspected on 17th July 1909. The dispensary
has made some progress. Veterinary Assistant Sane's work has been satisfac-
tory. The cattle population within a radius of 5 miles is 7,441 and 1,872 cattle
were treated giving a percentage of 25.16. Pees are levied. The financial
statement shows a balance of Rs. 882-15-8. The expenditure amounted to
Rs. 1,814-6-2. The item of Rs. 127-11-6 for furniture was necessary as the
buildings are new and required additional furniture. The item of Rs. 189-15-8
for travelling allowance for subordinate establishment is high but includes
Rs. 142-0-5 for plague allowance. The item of Rs. 462-3-1 for contingencies
is high. Item of Rs. 466-1-8 for medicines and instruments is high but new
instruments had to be purchased this year to replace old worn out ones. The
sum of Rs. 450-9-0 was realised from fees.

37. Chihodi (Belgaum) Dispensary.—Veterinary Assistant M. G. Kul-
karni held charge up to March 19th when Veterinary Assistant M. A. Merchant
took over. The total number of cases treated was 961 against 1,051 last year.
Of the cases 118 were equines, 794 bovines and 49 others. The average daily
attendance was 12.74 and the percentage of cultivators' animals treated was
94.14. The Veterinary Assistant was on tour for 112 days against 51 days last
year, thus accounting for the decrease in the number of cases treated. He
attended 24 outbreaks of contagious disease, visited 27 villages and paid monthly
visits to 2 villages and treated 722 cases on tour (against 98 last year). The
dispensary was inspected on 25th September 1909. Some progress has been
made but much remains to be done. Veterinary Assistant M. G. Kulkarni has
been more energetic. The cattle population within a radius of 5 miles is
6,034, and the number of cattle treated was 794 giving a percentage of
13.16. Fees are levied. The financial statement shows a balance of Rs. 532-2-4.