of 12.69. Pees are levied. The financial statement shows a balance of
Rs. 778-3-10. The expenditnre was Rs. 1,843-11-10. The item of Rs. 686-9-9
includes pay for three months of the itinerating Salutri formerly employed but
is high. The item of Rs. 595-3-10 for contingencies includes Rs. 385-12-5
spent on buildings. This dispensary has an endowment fund of Rs. 4,700'
which was collected from the public and invested in Government securities and
Municipal debentures.

50.    Bulsár Dispensary.—This is a new dispensary and was opened on
26th October 1909 in anticipation of Government sanction which was received
in Government Resolution, Revenue Department, No. 1357, dated 15th February
1910. Veterinary Assistant B. B. Patel held charge. The total number of
cases treated was 282, of which 45 were equines, 210 bovines and 27 others.
The daily average attendance was 10.22 and the percentage of cases belonging
to cultivators was 59.21. The Veterinary Assistant was absent from the
dispensary on duty at Surat for 16 days. He visited 15 villages in the vicinity
of Bulsár to lecture and advertise the dispensary. The dispensary was inspected
on 12th November 1909. The cattle population within a radius of 5 miles is
13,739, the number of cattle treated was 210 giving a percentage of 1.58.
Treatment is free. The financial statement shows a balance of Rs. 362-0-3 but
the Government grant was not drawn in full during the year. The expenditure
was Rs. 434-10-5. The item of Rs. 95-8-0 for medicines and instruments does
not include the cost of medicines the recovery voucher for which was not received.
The item of Rs. 132-13-1 includes rent. His Highness the Raja of Dharampur
gave Rs. 500 for this dispensary.

51.    Broach Dispensary.—This is a new dispensary and was opened on
13th February 1910. Veterinary Assistant C. N. Desai held charge. The total
number of cases treated was 80, of which 35 were equines, 33 bovines and
12 others. The average daily attendance was 21.3 and the proportion of
cultivators animals treated was 21.8 per cent. The financial statement shows
a balance of Rs. 1,750-5-0. The expenditure was Rs. 499-11-0. The item of
Rs. 241-14-0 for medicines and instruments includes cost of instruments only,
the medicine recovery order not having been received. The item of Rs. 254-13-0
for furniture is, of course, a non-recurring item.

52.    Godhra Dispensary.—Veterinary Assistant M. C. Joshi held charge
throughout the year. There were 2,100 cases treated against 2,260 last year.
Of the cases 405 were equines, 1,397 bovines and 298 others. The daily average
attendance was 25.62 and the proportion of cultivators' animals treated was
67.31. The Veterinary Assistant was on tour for 22 days, attended 7 outbreaks
of contagious disease, visited 14 villages, attended the Agricultural Show at
Godhra and lectured to the people. The dispensary was inspected on 20th
February 1910. It has maintained its position. Veterinary Assistant Joshi
has performed his duties satisfactorily. The cattle population within a radius
of 5 miles is 9,657, the number of cattle treated was 1,397 giving a percentage
of 14.47. Treatment is free. The financial statement shows a balance of
Rs. 152-5-4. The expenditure amounted to Rs. 1,300. The item of Rs. 396-9-7
includes Rs. 233-10-7 for construction and repairs to buildings.

53. Nadiád Dispensary.—Veterinary Assistant P. D. Maniar held charge
with the exception of from October 9th to December 19th when he was on
special duty in connection with Surra in the Kaira District. During his absence
Veterinary Assistant Desai held charge. The total number of cases treated was
5,444 against 6,507 last year. Of the cases 559 Were equines, 4,127 bovines
and 758 others. The average daily attendance was 75.0 and the proportion of
cultivators' animals treated was 76 per cent. The Veterinary Assistant was on
tour for 61 days, attended 30 outbreaks of contagious disease, visited 31 villages,
treated 112 cases on tour, lectured, inspected the Government stallions and
collected pathological material. The dispensary was inspected on 16th June
1909. It has fully maintained its popularity and usefulness. The decrease of
attendances is due to foot and mouth disease not having been prevalent this year
in the vicinity of Nadiád. Veterinary Assistant Maniar is a capable and
energetic general practitioner and the Superintendent commends his work. The