the succeeding year. The breeding cows will be increased next year by 43 heifers
which are now coming on (for details see statement appended to Table IX). In
all there were 14 casualties during the year including the Scows abovementioned
which died of old age; 3 heifers died (2 of snake bite and 1 of fracture) 1 heifer
and 1 bullock were sent to the Pinjrapole ; 6 calves died from pneumonia, &c.
There was no contagious disease among the farm cattle although several villages
in the vicintiy were affected. There is now an ample fodder reserve consisting
of S50,000 lbs. hay and 40,000 lbs. Kurby as against 600,000 lbs. hay last year.
The farm was visited during the year by the following officers : Sir John Muir-
Mackenzie, Colonel Pease, Inspector-General, Civil Veterinary Department;
Mr. Mollison, Inspector-General of Agriculture ; Colonel Joslen ; Mr. Keatinge,
Director of Agriculture; Mr. Mead ; Major Farmer, Superintendent, Government
Cattle Farm, Hissar, and Mr. Shearer, Assistant Inspector-General of Agri-


                            (1).—Horse and Pony Stallions.

61.     Horse breeding in the " non-selected '' districts has heretofore been
under the control of the Civil Veterinary Department. During the year under
report the question of handing back horse breeding in the " selected " districts
from the Army Remount Department to the Civil Veterinary Department was
under the consideration of Government.

62.     At the close of the year there were 19 stallions on the register, the
same number as in the previous year. They were allotted to the circles as
follows :—Deccan 8 and Gujarat 11. The following shows the numbers covered
at each stand during the year:—Sholápur 3 against 8 last year; Karmála 40
against 15 last year; Yeola 43 against 41 last year; Sángola 48 against 30 last
year; Málegaon 24 against 20 last year; Dhulia 24 against 24 last year;
Chálisgaon 19 against 16 last year; Jalgaon 24 against 12 last year; Ahmedabad
(5 stallions) 171 against 161 last year ; Dholka 60 against 64 last year; Dhan-
dhuka 42 against 37 last year; Parántij 59 against 70 last year ; Nadiád 34 against
49 last year; Kaira 34 against 39 last year; Pálanpur 38 against 52 last year.

63.     The number of stallions actually employed at stud throughout the
year was 18 87 against 18.00 last year. The total number of mares covered
was 663 against 648 last year or an average of 35.13 per stallion as against 36
last year and 34.60 in the preceding year. The average per stallion in Gujarat
is 39.85 against 49.32 last year. The average per stallion in the Deccan is
28.55 against 20.87 last year.

64.     During the year one stallion died and two were destroyed and 3 were

65.     The cost of feed, keep and transit is shown in Table XII and the
average cost for the last two years is shown below :—

Rs. a. p.

Year 1908-09



507 0 0

„ 1909-10



450 0 0

This shows a decrease of Rs. 57-0-0 per stallion and is due to buildings
and repairs to stabling not having been undertaken and to transfers being
unnecessary this year to the same extent.

                                (3).— OTHERS

66.     There is no information to be recorded under this head.

                        (4).—FAIRS AND SHOWS
                            (a).—Horse Shows.

67.     During the year under report there were two horse shows held in this
Presidency. That at Ahmednagar (a selected district) was held as heretofore
under the auspices of the Army Remount Department. The Superintendent

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