No. 185—54.

                                                                        Karáchi, 25th June 1910


        MAJOR A. S. TRYDELL, I. C. V. D.,

                    Superintendent, Indian Civil Veterinary Department,

                                                        Sind, Baluchistan and Rájputana;



                                                        Revenue Department, Bombay.

                (Through the Commissioner in Sind, Karáchi.)


I have the honour to submit, for the information of His Excellency the
Governor in Council, the Annual Report of the Indian Civil Veterinary Depart-
ment, in Sind, for the official year 1909-1910.

                        GENERAL ADMINISTRATION.

2.    I held charge of the office of Superintendent, Indian Civil Veterinary
Department, Sind, Baluchistan and Rájputána, throughout the year under report.

3.    Owing to a demand for ray services in Baluchistan and for want of
sufficient funds I was unable to undertake any tours under canvas in the
Province of Sind but I inspected the Veterinary Dispensaries in the Province
except the one at Nausháhro Feroz and attended the cattle fairs and shows at
Badin (Hyderabad District) and Shikárpur (Sukkur District). I travelled
2,701 miles by rail and 20 miles by road against 4,902 miles by rail and 508
miles by road travelled last year.


4.    There are no Colleges or Schools in the Province and therefore there
is nothing to record under the heading. However it has been resolved, vide
Government Resolution, Educational Department, No. 1506, dated 26th
July 1909, that 2 students should every year in future be sent from this Province
to obtain veterinary education at the Bombay Veterinary College and allowed
Government scholarships.

                     II.—TREATMENT OF DISEASE.

(1) Contagious disease, outbreaks, mortality, preventive inoculation, &c.

5.    Contagious diseases have been reported to have broken out in 4 districts
as against 3 districts last year and the number of deaths resulted therefrom
has been shown in Table II. They were 14 amongst equines, 986 amongst
bovines, and 204 amongst other animals against 4 amongst equines, 1,753 bovines
and 173 other animals reported last year.


Surra.—As shown in Table II, 12 deaths have occurred in Karáchi and 1 in
Jacobabad District against 1 in Karáchi and 1 in Hyderabad reported last year.

This disease may now be recorded as being known at various points in this
circle in horses or camels or both from Fort Sandeman to the coast of Sind,
and in Rájputána. In a report on camels in Baluchistan (a copy of which was
submitted to the Commissioner in Sind) will be found a list of several species
of biting flies some or other of which have been found in greater or less numbers
(throughout those parts of my circle which I have toured and) practically from
sea level to an altitude of over 8,000 feet. *

Piroplasmosis.—One case of this disease was identified at the Karachi
Veterinary Hospital in a mule.

* N.B.—Surra has been met with in the following districts :—

Zhob, Sibi, Jacobabad, Lárkána, Sukkur, Hyderabad, Karáchi and Merwara.

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