anticipating that it would be useless to hold it. The anticipation proved correct
as the show was a failure from every point. The competitors were so
ill-assorted in some instances as to render it impossible to judge at all. There
was a class for yearling bulls. No greater mistake under the present methods
of rearing stock in Sukkur could be made than that of attempting to teach
people to emasculate cattle by this age, and the introduction of the class should
prove to any thinking Indian farmer we must know very little about rearing
his cattle. These are the sort of mistakes I beg to be allowed to say we
should try and avoid and which often could be if expert advice were

Talhar.—The show was held on 15th March 1910 and following days.
The number of animals which competed for prizes was 5S9 against 149 last
year and Rs. 890 were awarded against Rs. 470 awarded last year. I was
unable to attend the show.


Number, supervision and work performed.

11. There were 6 Veterinary Graduates employed permanently during
the year under report at the six Veterinary Hospitals in the Province, the same
number as last year. Besides them the services of a temporary Graduate were
entertained from 5th November 1909 by the Karáchi District Local Board while
the permanent incumbent attended outbreaks of contagious disease in the

In Sind Mr. Haji is the only officer who displays a real keenness for his
work (particularly experimental and research) and who has bestirred himself to
try and find diseases which have not already been recorded, but as a practica
veterinarian he has still something to learn. He has been assisted by his son
(the temporary Graduate just alluded to) who is the third youth, the hospital
has entertained on a salary out of all proportion to the value of the work they
are able to do, during what might be considered a term of apprenticeship. He
is in receipt of Rs. 100 per month made up of pay Rs. 55, fixed travelling
allowance lis. 25 (he does no travelling) and a shoeing allowance of Rs. 20.
These emoluments are needlessly extravagant.


12. Table XIV-A. attached shows a total expenditure of Rs. 54,027-13-11
incurred during the year under report from Imperial, Provincial and Local
Funds in connection with the Indian Civil Veterinary Department in the
Province against a total of Rs. 65,867-11-6 incurred last year. The amounts
shown under the heads Imperial and Provincial are liable to alterations on the
closing of the books for March 1910 final. The Comptroller, India Treasuries,
Calcutta, when supplying the information under this head states that as no
separate accounts for the Provinces of Sind, Baluchistan and Rájputána are
kept in his office separate information for each province cannot be supplied.
As the figures furnished by him represent the amount expended by the office
of the Superintendent, Indian Civil Veterinary Department, Sind, Baluchistan
and Rájputána, in the Province of Sind, they have therefore been included in
Table XIV-A of this report.


13. As stated in paragraph 3, having spent from early in May to the end
of October on tour in Baluchistan, I was unable to devote any time to Sind as
the funds allotted to cover touring expenses were inadequate for a longer period
than six or seven months. The insufficiency of funds was unfortunate, as by
April I had hoped to have completed a tour under canvas, covering a period of
eleven months, at the end of which I would have been in possession of a general
knowledge of the whole of this enormous circle. I should by then have seen
every district and been in a position to begin next winter a tour, working slowly
and thoroughly district by district.