when he was deputed on professional work in the district. Mr. S. G. Haji (senior)
during the year under report was directed from time to time to investigate
and suppress outbreaks of cattle disease. He was out in the district from
May to September, November and December 1910 and again in January and
February 1911.

The total number of patients treated at this hospital during the year under
report is shown at 3,313 (in and out patients) and 1,678 on tour, 4,991 in all,
against a total of 4,488 treated last year.

It will be seen in Table V that out of the total treated at the hospital, 1,259
were equines, 1,207 bovines and 847 other animals against 1,135 equines, 1,475
bovines and 914 others treated last year.

The average daily attendance of the patients treated at the hospital was
124.25 against 129.88 last year.

There is a small decrease in the number of patients treated at the hospital
accounted for by a falling off in the number of cattle population within a
radius of 5 miles of the dispensary during the year under report

There is an increase over last year in the number of animals treated on
tour, vide Table IV. Messrs. Haji visited 160 villages while on tour against
36 visited last year.

25 animals were castrated at the hospital as against 38 castrated last year.

The senior Veterinary Graduate inoculated 2,348 animals with anti-rinder-
pest serum during the year against 321 animals inoculated last year.

The financial condition of the hospital is shown in Table VI attached.
It shows Rs. 11,294-6-2 under the head " Receipts " and Rs. 10,889-3-9 under
" Expenditure ", leaving a balance of Rs. 405-2-5 at the credit of the hospital
at the close of the year under report against Rs. 278-8-2 last year.

In all 1,590 horses were shod at the shoeing forge attached to this hospital
during the year against 1,582 horses shod last year.

The cost of working the shoeing forge is given at Rs. 1,326-4-10 during
the year 1910-1911 against Rs. 1,377-14-0 in the preceding year and the income
at Rs. 2,484-14-0 against Rs. 2,411 last year. The net income from the forge
was Rs. 1,158-9-2 against Rs. 1,033-2-0 last year.

The cattle population within a radius of 5 miles of this hospital is reported
to have fallen off from 8,485 during 1909-1910 to 3,204 during the year under
report, while the cattle treated at the hospital was 1,207 giving a percentage
of cattle treated at 37.67 against 17.38 last year.

Pees are charged at the hospital for advice and treatment of animals
belonging to well-to-do people residing within the Municipal or Cantonment
limits. A sum of Rs. 1,525-8-0 was realized during the year under report
against Rs. 1,358-14-0 realized last year. This shows an increase of
Rs. 166-10-0 over last year.

Mr. Haji (senior) as usual worked well during the year under report and
in consideration of the services he has rendered the title of Khan Sahib was
conferred on him during the year and a grant of a personal allowance of
Rs. 50 per mensem.

Hyderabad Veterinary Hospital and Dispensary.—Veterinary Graduate
Asudamal held charge of the hospital throughout the year under report. He
treated 2,921 cases (138 in-natients and 2,783 out-patients) at the hospital
during the year under report against 2,547 cases (164 in and 2,383 out-patients)
treated last year—an increase of 374.

Vide Table V, of the total of 2,921 treated during the year under report at
the hospital, 737 were equines, 954 bovines and 1,230 other animals and 7
castrations were performed at the hospital.

While on tour the Veterinary Graduate visited 14 villages and treated 134
cases of contagious diseases as shown in Table IV.

The salutri attached to this hospital held his appointment up to 20 th
December 1910 when he proceeded on leave to join the Veterinary College at
Bombay for the Graduate course at his own expense.