3. In Sind there were seven dispensaries in working order at the close of

the year, or one more than last year. In the Karáchi District very marked
progress in rinderpest inoculation was effected through the efforts of the Collector,
Mr. Lawrence. In other respects the work of the Department in this Province
has been satisfactorily carried out under Major Trydell's control. Government
concur with the Commissioner in Sind that, while equine disease in Sind may be
especially within the cognisance of the Army Remount Department, the outbreak
of disease such as surra should continue to be dealt with by the civil veterinary
graduates, when no other veterinary agency is available.

4. The administration of the Glanders and Farcy Department continued to
be efficient.

                                                                               R. D. BELL,
                                                               Under Secretary to Government.


The Commissioner in Sind,

With copies of
the report.

The Commissioner, N. D.,

The Commissioner, C. D.,

The Commissioner, S. D.,

All Collectors, including the Collectors and Deputy
Commissioners in Sind,

The Director of Agriculture,

The Sanitary Commissioner for the Government of Bombay,

The Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, Bombay

The Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, Sind,
Baluchistán and Rajputána,

The Principal, Bombay Veterinary College,

The Principal, Agricultural College, Poona,

The Municipal Commissioner for the City of Bombay,

The Accountant General,

The General Officer Commanding 4th (Quetta) Division,

The General Officer Commanding 5th (Mhow) Division,

The General Officer Commanding 6th (Poona) Division,

The Agent to the Governor, Káthiáwár,

The Political Agent, Cutch,

The Resident, Kolhápur, and Political Agent, Southern
Marátha Country States,

The Political Agent, Mahi Kántha,

The Political Agent, Rewa Kántha,

The Political Agent, Sávantvádi,

The Political Agent, Pálanpur,

The Political Resident, Aden,

The Compiler, General Administration Report,

The Political Department of the Secretariat,

The Judicial Department of the Secretariat,

The General Department of the Secretariat,

The Public Works Department of the Secretariat,

The Financial Department of the Secretariat,

The Editors' Tables and Editors of Newspapers,

The Non-official Members of the Legislative Council,

The Inspector General, Civil Veterinary Department,

By letter.

The President, Municipal Corporation, Bombay,

The Secretary to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
to Animals,

The Government of India,

The Under Secretary of State for India.