No. A-4298 OF 1912.


              W. W. SMART, ESQUIRE, B.A., I. C. S.,

                           Acting Director of Agriculture, Bombay,




                                                                    Revenue Department,


                                                                    Poona, 14th June 1912.


I have the honour to forward the Annual Report of the Principal, Bombay
Veterinary College.

2.The decrease in the number of students is not to be regretted as a
more rigid selection of candidates and the weeding out of unsuitable students
prevent disappointment in the end and allow of more efficient tuition.

3.The absence of Sindhi scholars, especially of Mahomedans, is serious
and may be brought to the notice of the Commissioner in Sind. I cannot find
any Mahomedan to fill a vacancy in the new Sujawal dispensary, and the
question requires investigation.

4.The re-organization of the College staff was effected from January 1st.

Money has been provided for the building of the Principal's quarters this
year, and the further additions to the College are under the consideration of

It is hoped with reference to the concluding portion of paragraph 9 of the
Principal's report that Government will see their way to increase the grant
for minor works for the current year as the sum allotted to the Director is
utterly inadequate for this and other more pressing needs.

                                                               I have the honour to be,
                                                           Your most obedient servant,

                                                                  W. W. SMART,

                                                         Acting Director of Agriculture.