4. The administration of the Glanders and Farcy Department continued to
be satisfactory. The Governor in Council is pleased to observe that the officers
of the Department acted with vigour and tact in suppressing the outbreak of
glanders which occurred in Karáchi. Orders have already been passed by
Government in Government Resolution, Financial Department, No. 3038, dated
23rd September 1912, sanctioning compensation to owners of horses which have
been destroyed under the Glanders and Farcy Act in cases where there is
reaction to the mallein test but clinical symptoms are not shown.

                                                                            C. W. A. TURNER,
                                                                  Under Secretary to Government.


The Commissioner in Sind and the Commissioners of

With copies of
the report.

All Collectors, including the Collectors in Sind and the
Deputy Commissioner, Upper Sind Frontier,

The Director of Agriculture,

The Sanitary Commissioner for the Government of Bombay,

The Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, Bombay

The Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, Sind,
Baluchistán and Rajputána,

The Principal, Bombay Veterinary College,

The Principal, Agricultural College, Poona,

The Municipal Commissioner for the City of Bombay,

The Accountant General,

The General Officer Commanding 4th (Quetta) Division,

The General Officer Commanding 5th (Mhow) Division,

The General Officer Commanding 6th (Poona) Division,

The Political Resident, Aden,

The Agent to the Governor, Káthiáwár,

The Resident, Kolhápur, and Political Agent, Southern
Marátha Country States,

All other Political Agents,

The Compiler, General Administration Report for 1911-12,

The Political, Judicial, General, Public Works and Financial
Departments of the Secretariat,

The Editors' Tables and Editors of Newspapers,

All Registered Libraries,

The Non-official Members of the Legislative Council,

The Agricultural Adviser to the Government of India,

By letter.

The President, Municipal Corporation, Bombay,

The Secretary to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
to Animals,

The Government of India,

The Under Secretary of State for India.