During the year 8 Arab donkeys, 2 Australian mules, 2 Arab mules, 78
Persian mules, 1 African mule and 1 Zebra were imported as against 4 Arab
donkeys, 2 Arab mules and 1 Zebra last year.

8.    There were six consignments of Queensland horses.

9.    During the year Veterinary Inspectors DeSouza and Nathani were
granted privilege leave for three months and two months respectively and
Messrs. Candade and Bhide respectively acted during their absence. Mr.
DeSouza resigned his appointment on 1st January 1913 and Mr. Kadri was
appointed to the Department.

                                                       I have the honour to be,

                                                  Your most obedient servant,
                                                           K. HEWLETT,
                                          Principal, Bombay Veterinary College.