due to the fact that Rinderpest was less prevalent during the year
under report and probably to a certain extent to the better reporting
of outbreaks.

During the year 1,848 outbreaks were reported to Veterinary
Assistants and 1,864 were actually attended by them as against
2,243 last year. Veterinary Inspectors attended 83 outbreaks.

                            Equine Contagious Disease.

5.    Thirty-one cases of Glanders were reported, 29 occurring in
Bombay City and 2 in Poona. In the preceding year 56 cases
were reported from Bombay City and 16 from Poona.

Surra was detected in Bombay City and Thana, West Khandesh
and Ahmedabad districts. Sixty-nine equines were either destroyed
on account of this disease under the Glanders and Farcy Act or died
before action could be taken.

Nine cases of Epizootic Lymphangitis were reported from
Bombay City.

                            Bovine Contagious Disease.

6.    Rinderpest was reported from all districts except East
Khandesh and Belgaum. The disease was not so widely prevalent
as in the previous year and occurred very sporadically. At no
period of the year was there any sign of a widespread outbreak.
The reported mortality was 4,767 against 10,593 in the previous
year. Ratnagiri, Kolaba and Ahmedabad districts were chiefly
affected, three-fourth of the mortality occurring in these three
districts. Belgaum District has been free of this disease for the
past two years.

7.    Foot and Mouth disease was reported from all districts
52,096 animals were reported to have been affected and 364 died
mostly calves. The disease was prevalent practically throughout
the year. Kolaba District suffered heavily, 11,956 attacks being
reported. During October and November a severe outbreak occurred
but as it was well reported, it was fairly quickly got under control
with the help of reserves who were drafted into the district for the

8.    Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia was reported from all districts
with the exception of East-Khandesh. Bombay City was also
reported free of this disease. Two thousand onr hundred and eighty-
three deaths were reported among 2,715 attacks as against 2,469
deaths reported in the previous year. Owing to restricted touring,
it was not possible to carry out propaganda work in connection with
vaccination against this disease to the extent that was proposed.

9.    Black-Quarter was reported from 12 districts, and Satara,
Ahmednagar, Poona and Bijapur suffered heavily. There was
a considerable increase in mortality from this disease, 3,167 deaths
being reported against 222 last year, the late rains being responsible
for the increase. Three hundred and seventeen outbreaks were
attended and of these 30 were confirmed by the microscope.