No. P.—358-X.

                                GENERAL DEPARTMENT.

                                        Office of the Commissioner in Sind,
                                Government House, Karachi, 17th June 1924.


The Commissioner in Sind has the honour to submit the report
of the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, Sind and
Rajputana, on the working of the Veterinary Department during
the year 1923-24.


2. The charge of the office of Superintendent was held by
Mr. J. H. G. Jerrom throughout the year.

Mortality statistics.

3. The total reported mortality among cattle from contagious
disease fell from 5,488 in the previous year to
4,881 in the year under report.

Presumably the year was a less unhealthy one than its predecessor,
for there appears to have been some improvement in the reporting
of disease, due to the introduction of the monthly post-card system
of reporting.

4. Preventive inoculations against rinderpest were carried out in
the case of 74 outbreaks, the number of
animals inoculated being 7,407 against 8,029
animals inoculated in 51 outbreaks during the previous year. The
number of inoculations against hœmorrhagic septicæmia was 2,025,
the reported mortality from this disease being 164.


5. No new dispensaries were opened during the year under report.
On the contrary, owing to financial straits,
the District Local Board, Thar Parkar, found
itself under the necessity of closing its dispensary at Umarkot, the
total number of dispensaries in the province being thus reduced
to 16.

Professional work.

6. The number of cases treated at the several dispensaries
shows an increase of 1,157 over the figure of
the last year. The number of animals
treated by the Veterinary Assistant Surgeons on tour also rose
by 767.

Veterinary instruction.

7. There were five stipendiary students studying at the Bombay
Veterinary College at the close of the year.

Breeding operations.

8. There were eight District Local Board stallions at the close
of the year. These covered 387 mares
during the year, the aggregate cost of their
maintenance being Rs. 4,770 of which Government contributed
Rs. 2,050.


9. The total expenditure of the department amounted during the
year to Rs. 1,26,753 as against Rs. 1,63,489,

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