39.    As pointed out last year, the reserve of three Veterinary
Assistant Surgeons is too small and should be raised to five.
Recently, three men were on sick leave and at the same time there
occurred several out-breaks of Rinderpest. The resources of the
Department were taxed to the utmost in dealing with the disease
and in two instances, dispensaries had to be left in charge of

40.    At the request of the Agricultural Adviser to the Government
of India, the following programme of work for the next year is
included in the Annual Report:—

The energies of the Department will, as usual, be directed
towards the application of modern scientific methods of treatment
of disease, both curative and prophylactic. More dispensaries
will be opened as funds permit. It was contemplated opening three
new dispensaries in the Thar Parkar District, one in Larkana
and one in Upper Sind Frontier districts, but for lack of funds the
opening of these dispensaries has been postponed. More stallions
will be provided as funds permit. The District Local Boards of
Karachi, Upper Sind Frontier, Larkana, Sukkur and Thar
Parkar were each prepared to purchase a stallion, provided they
received a Government grant-in-aid equal to half the cost. As
the Government grant could not be provided, the Boards have
decided to postpone the question until the grant is available.

                                                J. H. G. JERROM,
                                            Civil Veterinary Department,
                                                                    Sind and Rajputana.

Karachi, dated 15th June 1927.