No. P.-358-G

                                    GENERAL DEPARTMENT.

                            Office of the Commissioner in Sind,
                    Government House, Karachi, 16th July 1927.

Subject.—Annual Administration Report of the Civil Veterinary
                Department, Sind, for the year 1926-27


The Commissioner in Sind has the honour to submit the report
of the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, Sind and
Rajputana, on the working of the Veterinary Department during
the year 1926-27.


2. The charge of the office of the Superintendent was held by
Mr. J. H. G. Jerrom during the year under
report with the exception of the period 13th
April to 18th November 1926 when he was on leave and Khan
Sahib J. D. Buxy acted for him.

Mortality statistics.

3. The total mortality reported among cattle from contagious
diseases increased from 2,943 in the previous
year to 4,197 in the year under report. This
was due to a number of outbreaks and the presence of many forms
of disease.


4. Preventive inoculations against rinderpest were carried out
in the case of 105 outbreaks, the number of
animals inoculated being 9,124 against 3,754
inoculated in 15 outbreaks during the previous year. The number
of inoculations against hœmorrhagic septicæmia was 3,564.


5. The number of dispensaries working at the beginning of the
year was 16. Two more dispensaries in the
Thar Parkar district were opened in July

Professional work.

6. The aggregate number of cases treated at the several
dispensaries rose from 26,250 in the previous
year to 26,438 during the year under report,
and the number of animals treated on tour decreased from 7,228 in
the previous year to 4,990 during the year under report as a result
of the curtailment of the touring of Veterinary Assistant Surgeons
owing to insufficient budget allotment for travelling allowance.

Veterinary Instruction.

7. Only one stipendiary student was studying at the Bombay
Veterinary College at the beginning of the
year. Three more scholars were sent to the
College, of whom one discontinued his studies. There were thus
three scholars at the end of the year.

Breeding operations.

8. The number of District Local Board stallions at the close of
the year remained the same as last year.
The District Local Board, Hyderabad,
purchased a Marwari horse stallion while the District Local Board,