YEAR 1928-29.

Mr. E. S. Farbrother, I.V.S., held charge of the office of the
Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, Bombay Presidency,
for the whole of the year under report excepting a period of six
days at the end of the year from 26th March 1929 when he
proceeded on leave out of India and I took over charge from him.

He was on tour for eighty-one days and travelled 7,825 miles by
rail and 1,091 miles by road. He visited eleven Districts and
inspected twenty-seven Veterinary Hospitals and Dispensaries.
During the course of his tours he inspected the offices of Veterinary
Inspectors also. He interviewed the Collector of Bijapur in connec-
tion with the Wilson Anti-Famine Institute, Bijapur. He supervised
the work of castration and inoculations in several villages.

He served as President of the Board of Examiners at the Bombay
Veterinary College in April 1928 and also conducted the supple-
mentary examination, at that College, in the following October.

He attended the meetings of the Horse Show Committee of the
Presidency Agricultural Show, held at Ahmedabad, as a member,
and acted as President of the Judging Committee of the Horse
Show. He also acted as a Judge in the Cattle and Horse Show
Section of the District Agricultural Show held in the month of
January 1929 at Ahmednagar. In October 1928 he attended the
Conference convened by the Government of India at Simla, to
consider the Report of the Royal Commission on Agriculture
in India.

As Officiating Superintendent, I was on tour for four days and
travelled 619 miles by rail and 29 miles by road. I inspected two
Veterinary Dispensaries and selected site for location of an opera-
tion shed in one of them and also inspected the office of the
Veterinary Inspector, Dharwar Division.

2. Khan Saheb J. D. Buxy held the post of the Deputy
Superintendent and Personal Assistant to the Superintendent
throughout the year with the exception of six days when he was
Officiating Superintendent and Mr. Y. N. Marathe was appointed in
his place. The Deputy Superintendent was on tour for forty-one
days and travelled 6,845 miles by rail and 70 miles by road. He
visited five Districts and attended meetings of the Horse Show
Sub-Committee of the Presidency Agricultural Show held at
Ahmedabad. He also acted as Secretary of the Horse Show
Committee and Veterinary Section in the Presidency Agricultural
Show at Ahmedabad. He visited the Bombay Panjrapole and its
branches and attended the meeting of the Panjrapole Committee to