made to maintain efficiency, but with the work increasing all round,
the supervising and subordinate staff is found to be most inadequate
to do full justice.

During the year there were applications for opening 16 new
dispensaries but none can be opened for want of Government

The District Local Board, Poona, has opened two new dispen-
saries and they are maintained solely from their own funds, as no
Government grant-in-aid is available. They deserve credit for it.

Owing to retrenchment, the normal expansion of the Department
has received a set back.

The Civil Veterinary Department had in their Veterinary Section
opened a fully equipped veterinary dispensary at the Presidency
Agricultural Show, Ahmedabad, where sick animals were treated.
Different exhibits pertaining to the Department were exhibited and
castrations by Burdizzo Castrator demonstrated and lectures were
given in Vernacular on the various animal diseases.

The information bureau supplied all necessary information to
the public.

          Programme of work for the year 1929-30

The energies of the Department will be directed towards the
investigation of certain diseases and application of modern method
of treatment.

                                                            J. D. BUXY,
                                                       Offg. Superintendent,
                                               Civil Veterinary Department,
                                                         Bombay Presidency, Poona.

Q 30—4.